Using the AWS Storage Services Overview dashboard you view the total storage service count (EBS volumes and S3 buckets).

The AWS Storage Services Overview dashboard provides an overview of your EBS volumes and S3 buckets. You can view the number of EBS and S3 buckets used in your environment.

The AWS Storage Services Overview dashboard helps you answer several key questions.
  • What is the usage of EBS volumes?
  • Which are the top read and top written EBS volumes?
  • Which S3 buckets have maximum usage?

How to Use the Dashboard?

The AWS Storage Services Overview dashboard is divided into two sections based on the two storage types, EBS Volumes and S3 Buckets. By default, the numbers are displayed at the AWS World level and you can filter the information by account and by region. You can check the usage of the EBS volumes and drill down to individual volumes. For S3 buckets, you can view the buckets with maximum usage and errors. You can also select an individual bucket to check the traffic and errors associated with it.

  • Accounts: Lists the AWS accounts. Select an account from the table to refresh the storage information and view the EBS volumes and S3 buckets specific to that account.
  • Regions: Lists the AWS regions. Select a region to filter the storage information and view the EBS volumes and S3 buckets specific to that region.
  • EBS Volumes: The EBS volumes section displays the top read EBS volumes, top written EBS volumes, EBs volumes with maximum idle time, and the EBS volumes list based on the load that they have. The lists get updated according to the account or region you select.

    The EBS Volumes List displays the name, region, capacity, maximum queue, and maximum write time of the EBS Volumes storage. The first EBS volume in the list is selected by default. The list of EBS volumes gets updated according to the account and region you select. Select an EBS volume to view the associated read time and write time.

  • S3 Buckets: The S3 buckets section displays the S3 buckets with maximum total latency, S3 buckets with maximum first byte latency, S3 buckets with most 4xx errors, S3 buckets with most 5xx errors, and the S3 bucket lists. The lists get updated according to the account or region you select.

    The S3 Buckets List displays the name, region, object, and size of the S3 buckets storage. The first S3 bucket in the list is selected by default. The list of S3 buckets gets updated according to the account and region you select. Select a S3 bucket to view the associated requests and the 4xx and 5xx errors related to it.