VMware Aria Operations collects configuration, hardware, runtime, CPU, network I/O, and properties about summary use for host system objects.

Table 1. Configuration Properties Collected for Host System Objects
Property Key Property Name Description
config|name Name Name
config|diskSpace Disk Space Disk Space
config|network|nnic Number of NICs Number of NICs
config|network|linkspeed Average Physical NIC Speed Average Physical NIC Speed
config|network|dnsserver DNS Server List of DNS Servers
config|product|productLineId Product Line ID Product Line ID
config|product|apiVersion API Version API Version
config|storageDevice|plugStoreTopology|numberofPath Total number of Path Total number of storage paths
config|storageDevice|multipathInfo|numberofActivePath Total number of Active Path Total number of active storage paths
config|storageDevice|multipathInfo|multipathPolicy Multipath Policy Multipath Policy
config|hyperThread|available Available Indicates whether hyperthreading is supported by the server
config|hyperThread|active Active Indicates whether hyperthreading is active
config|ntp|server NTP Servers NTP Servers
config|security|ntpServer NTP server NTP server
config|security|enable_ad_auth Enable active directory authentication Enable active directory authentication
config|security|enable_chap_auth Enable mutual chap authentication Enable mutual chap authentication
config|security|enable_auth_proxy Enable authentication proxy (UserVars.ActiveDirectoryVerifyCAMCertificate) Enable authentication proxy (UserVars.ActiveDirectoryVerifyCAMCertificate)
config|security|syslog_host Remote log host (Syslog.global.logHost) Remote log host (Syslog.global.logHost)
config|security|dcui_access Users who can override lock down mode and access the DCUI (DCUI.Access) Users who can override lock down mode and access the DCUI (DCUI.Access)
config|security|shell_interactive_timeout Shell interactive timeout (UserVars.ESXiShellInteractiveTimeOut) Shell interactive timeout (UserVars.ESXiShellInteractiveTimeOut)
config|security|shell_timeout Shell timeout (UserVars.ESXiShellTimeOut) Shell timeout (UserVars.ESXiShellTimeOut)
config|security|dvfilter_bind_address Dvfilter bind ip address (Net.DVFilterBindIpAddress) Dvfilter bind ip address (Net.DVFilterBindIpAddress)
config|security|syslog_dir Log directory (Syslog.global.logDir) Log directory (Syslog.global.logDir)
config|security|firewallRule|allowedHosts Allowed hosts Allowed hosts in the firewall configuration
config|security|service|isRunning Running Indicates whether a service is running or not. Services are: Direct Console UI, ESXi shell, SSH, or NTP Daemon.
config|security|service|ruleSet Ruleset Ruleset for each service.
config|security|service|policy Policy Policy for each service.
config|security|tlsdisabledprotocols TLS Disabled Protocols TLS Disabled Protocols
Note: Security properties not collected by default. They are collected only if the vSphere Hardening Guide policy is applied to the objects, or if the vSphere Hardening Guide alerts are manually enabled in the currently applied policy.
Table 2. Cost Properties Collected for Host System Objects
Property Key Property Name Description
Cost|Energy Consumed (Joule) Energy Consumed (Joule) Displays the energy consumed in Joules.
Cost|Number of Rack Units Number of Rack Units Displays the number of rack units in the host.
Cost|OS Categories OS Categories Displays the operating system categories in the host.
Cost|IsServerLeased Is Server Leased Displays whether the server is leased or not.
Cost|RemainingDepreciationMonths Remaining Depreciation Months Displays the remaining number of depreciation months.
Cost|ServerPurchaseCost Server Purchase Cost Server Purchase Cost is displayed in the currency format chosen.
Cost|ServerPurchaseDate Server Purchase Date Server Purchase Date is displayed
Table 3. Hardware Properties Collected for Host System Objects
Property Key Property Name Description
hardware|bioisReleaseDate Hardware|BIOS Release Date This property displays the release date corresponding to the version of the installed BIOS.
hardware|memorySize Memory Size Memory Size
hardware|cpuInfo|numCpuCores Number of CPU Cores Number of CPU Cores
hardware|cpuInfo|hz CPU Speed per Core CPU Speed per Core
hardware|cpuInfo|numCpuPackages Number of CPU Packages Number of CPU Packages
hardware|cpuInfo|powerManagementPolicy Active CPU Power Management Policy Active CPU Power Management Policy
hardware|cpuInfo|powerManagementTechnology Power Management Technology Power Management Technology
hardware|cpuInfo|biosVersion BIOS Version BIOS Version
hardware|vendor Hardware|Vendor Indicates the hardware manufacturer
Table 4. Runtime Properties Collected for Host System Objects
Property Key Property Name Description
runtime|connectionState Connection State Connection State
runtime|powerState Power State Power State
runtime|maintenanceState Maintenance State Maintenance State
runtime|memoryCap Memory Capacity Memory Capacity
Table 5. Configuration Manager Properties Collected for Host System Objects
Property Key Property Name Description
configManager|memoryManager|consoleReservationInfo|serviceConsoleReserved Service Console Reserved Service console reserved memory
Table 6. CPU Usage Properties Collected for Host System Objects
Property Key Property Name Description
cpu|speed CPU CPU Speed
cpu|cpuModel CPU Model CPU Model
Table 7. Network Properties Collected for Host System Objects
Property Key Property Name Description
net:<pnic>|configuredSpeed Network:<pnic>|Configured Speed This property displays the configured network speed of the network card. If this is higher than actual, the card is not operating at full capacity.
net:<pnic>|speed Network:<pnic>|Actual Speed This property displays the actual operating speed of the network card, which can be lower than its configured capacity due to auto-negotiation. The options are Enabled or Disabled.
net|maxObservedKBps Highest Observed Throughput Highest Observed Throughput (KBps)
net|mgmt_address Management Address Management Address
net|ip_address IP Address IP Address
net|discoveryProtocol|cdp|managementIpAddress Management IP Address Management IP Address
net|discoveryProtocol|cdp|systemName System Name System Name
net|discoveryProtocol|cdp|portName Port Name Port Name
net|discoveryProtocol|cdp|vlan VLAN VLAN
net|discoveryProtocol|cdp|mtu MTU MTU
net|discoveryProtocol|cdp|hardwarePlatform Hardware Platform Hardware Platform
net|discoveryProtocol|cdp|softwareVersion Software Version Software Version
net|discoveryProtocol|lldp|managementIpAddress Management IP Address Management IP Address
net|discoveryProtocol|lldp|systemName System Name System Name
net|discoveryProtocol|lldp|portName Port Name Port Name
net|discoveryProtocol|lldp|vlan VLAN VLAN
Table 8. System Properties Collected for Host System Objects
Property Key Property Name Description
sys|build Build number VMWare build number
sys|productString Product String VMWare product string
Table 9. Summary Properties Collected for Host System Objects
Property Key Property Name Description
Summary|Is Horizon Managed Is Horizon Managed This property displays whether the selected object is managed by Horizon or not.
summary|version Version This property displays theVersion.
summary|hostuuid Host UUID This property displays the Host UUID.
summary|evcMode Current EVC Mode This property displays the Current EVC Mode.
summary|customTag|customTagValue Value This property displays the Custom Tag Value.
summary|tag vSphere Tag This property displays the vSphere Tag Name.
summary|parentCluster Parent Cluster This property displays the Parent Cluster.
summary|parentDatacenter Parent Datacenter This property displays the Parent Datacenter.
summary|parentVcenter Parent Vcenter This property displays the Parent Vcenter.
Table 10. Datastore Properties Collected for Host System Objects
Property Key Property Name Description
datastore|maxObservedNumberRead Datastore I/O|Highest Observed Number of Read Requests
datastore|maxObservedNumberWrite Datastore I/O|Highest Observed Number of Write Requests
datastore|maxObservedOIO Datastore I/O|Highest Observed Outstanding Requests
datastore|maxObservedRead Datastore I/O|Highest Observed Read Rate(kbps)
datastore|maxObservedWrite Datastore I/O|Highest Observed Write Rate(kbps)
net|discoveryProtocol|cdp|timeToLive Network I/O|Discovery Protocol|Cisco Discovery Protocol|Time to Live
net|discoveryProtocol|lldp|timeToLive Network I/O|Discovery Protocol|Link Layer Discovery Protocol|Time to Live

Datastore properties collected for host system objects have been disabled in this version of VMware Aria Operations . This means that they do not collect data by default.

Table 11. Storage Path Properties Collected for Host System Objects
Property Key Property Name Description
storageAdapter|port_WWN Storage Adapter|Port WWN The port world wide name for storage adapter. Available for FC adapters only.