VMware Aria Operations collects CPU use, disk, memory, network, and summary metrics for objects in the vSphere world.

Capacity metrics can be calculated for vSphere world objects. See Capacity Analytics Generated Metrics.

vSphere World Super Metrics for ROI Dashboard

vSphere world super metrics provide information about the new metrics added to the ROI dashboard.

Metric Name Description
Cost|Total Cost of Ownership This metric shows the total cost cost of ownership with potential savings and optimizations.

Key: cost|total_aggregated_cost

Online Capacity Analytics Capacity Remaining Profiles This metric shows the VMs remaining based on the average VM profile.

Key: OnlineCapacityAnalytics|capacityRemainingProfile

Cost|Server Hardware(Owned) Cost This metric shows the sum of server hardware depreciated cost having purchase type as Owned across all the vCenters.

Key: cost|total_serverHardware_owned_cost

Cost|Server Hardware(Leased) Cost This metric shows the sum of server hardware depreciated cost having purchase type as Leased across all the vCenters.

Key: cost|total_serverHardware_leased_cost

Cost|Host OS License cost This metric shows the sum of host OS license cost across all the vCenters.

Key: cost|total_hostOsl_cost

Cost|Network Cost This metric shows the sum of network cost across all the vCenters.

Key: cost|total_network_cost

Cost|Maintenance Cost This metric shows the sum of maintenance cost across all the vCenters.

Key: cost|total_maintenance_cost

Cost|Server Labor Cost This metric shows the sum of server labor cost across all the vCenters.

Key: cost|total_serverLabor_cost

Cost|Facilities Cost This metric shows the sum of facilities cost across all the vCenters.

Key: cost|total_facilities_cost

Cost|Additional Cost This metric shows the sum of additional cost across all the vCenters.

Key: cost|total_additional_cost

Cost|VM Direct Cost This metric shows sum of direct Cost (VI labor + OS Labor) across all vCenters.

Key: cost|total_vm_direct_cost

Cost|Capacity Used Compute Cost This metric displays the cost of the used compute capacity.

Key: cost|capacity_used|compute

Cost|Capacity Remaining Compute Cost This metric displays the cost of the remaining compute capacity.

Key: cost|capacity_remaining|compute

Cost|Capacity Used Storage Cost This metric displays the cost of the used storage capacity.

Key: cost|capacity_used|storage

Cost|Capacity Remaining Storage Cost This metric displays the cost of the remaining storage capacity.

Key: cost|capacity_remaining|storage

Cost|Potential Savings Idle VMs This metric displays the potential savings from Idle VMs.

Key: cost|potential_savings|idle_vms

Cost|Potential Savings Powered Off VMs This metric displays the potential savings from powered off VMs.

Key: cost|potential_savings|poweredOff_vms

Cost|Potential Savings VM Snapshots This metric displays the potential savings from VM snapshots.

Key: cost|potential_savings|vm_snapshots

Cost|Potential Savings Orphaned Disks This metric displays the potential savings from orphaned disks.

Key: cost|potential_savings|orphaned_disks

Cost|Potential Savings Oversized VMs This metric displays the potential savings from oversized VMs.

Key: cost|potential_savings|oversized_vms

Cost|Potential Savings Cost Optimization Opportunities This metric displays the potential savings from cost optimization opportunities.

Key: cost|potential_savings|cost_optimization_opportunities

Cost|Total Cost of Ownership This metric shows the total cost cost of ownership with potential savings and optimizations.

Key: cost|potential_savings|total_cost_of_ownership

Server Purchase Cost This metric shows the server purchase cost.

Key: cost|server_purchase_cost

Accumulated Depreciation This metric displays the sum of the accumulated depreciation (Depreciation is calculated from the purchase date till current date) of servers across all the vCenters.

Key: cost|accumulatedDepreciation

Remaining Depreciation This metric displays the sum of the remaining depreciation (Remaining Depreciation is calculated from the current date till Depreicated year) of servers across all the vCenters.

Key: cost|accumulatedDepreciation

Number of Fully Depreciated Servers This metric displays the number of fully depreciated servers across all the vCenters.

Key: cost|hardwareTotalCost

Reclaimed vCPUs from Idle VMs This metric displays the number of reclaimable vCPUs from idle VMs.

Key: reclaimable|idle_vms|cpu

Reclaimed Memory from Idle VMs This metric displays the amount of reclaimable memory from the idle VMs.

Key: reclaimable|idle_vms|mem

Reclaimed Disk Space from Idle VMs This metric displays the amount of reclaimable disk space from the idle VMs.

Key: reclaimable|idle_vms|diskspace

Reclaimed Disk Space from Powered Off VMs This metric displays the amount of reclaimable disk space from the powered off VMs.

Key: reclaimable|poweredOff_vms|diskspace

Reclaimed Disk Space from VM Snapshots This metric displays the amount of reclaimable disk space from the VM Snapshots.

Key: reclaimable|vm_snapshots|diskspace

Reclaimed Disk Space from Orphaned Disks This metric displays the amount of reclaimable disk space from the orphaned disks.

Key: reclaimable|orphaned_disk|diskspace

Rightsize - vCPUs to Remove from Oversized VMs This metric displays the number of vCPUs to remove from the oversized VMs.

Key: summary|oversized|vcpus

Rightsize - Memory to Remove from Oversized VMs This metric displays the amount of memory to be removed from the oversized VMs.

Key: summary|oversized|memory

Rightsize - vCPUs to Add from Undersized VMs This metric displays the number of vCPUs to be added from the undersized VMs.

Key: summary|undersized|vcpus

Rightsize - Memory to Add from Undersized VMs This metric displays the amount of memory to be added from the undersized VMs.

Key: summary|undersized|memory

Total Storage Cost This metric displays the sum of storage cost across all vCenters.

Key: cost|totalCost

Total Potential Savings This metric displays the sum of all the potential savings (Idle VMs + Powered off Vms + Snapshot + Orphaned Disks + Oversized VMs).

Key: reclaimable|cost

New vSphere Metrics Added for ROI Dashboard
Potential Savings from Oversized VMs This metric displays the sum of all the potentials savings gained from oversized VMs across vcenters.

Key: cost|reclaimableCost

Reclaimable Host Cost This metric displays the reclaimable host cost based on the recommended size.

Key: cost|potential_savings|total_reclaimable_host_cost

Cost|Potential Increase|Undersized VMs Cost This metric displays the rightsizing value for the undersized VMs.

Key: cost|potential_increase|undersized_vms

Cost|Realized Savings|Total Realized Savings This metric displays the total realize savings for VMs across all vCenters.

Key: cost|realized_savings|total_realized_savings

Cost|Realized Savings|Idle Savings This metric displays the total realized savings for idle VMs across all vCenters.

Key: cost|realized_savings|realized_idle_savings

Cost|Realized Savings|Powered Off Savings This metric displays the total realized savings for powered off VMs across all vCenters.

Key: cost|realized_savings|realized_poweredOff_savings

Cost|Realized Savings|Snapshot Space Savings This metric displays the total realized savings for snapshot space across all vCenters.

Key: cost|realized_savings|realized_snapshotSpace_savings

Cost|Realized Savings|Oversized Savings This metric displays the oversized savings across all vCenters.

Key: cost|realized_savings|realized_oversized_savings

Cost|Realized Savings|Orphaned Disk Space Savings This metric displays the amount of disk space saved by orphaned disks across all vCenters.

Key: cost|realized_savings|realized_orphanedDiskSpace_savings

Cost|Realized Savings|Reclaimable Host Savings This metric displays the amount of reclaimable host savings across all vCenters.

Key: cost|realized_savings|realized_reclaimableHost_savings

Compute Realized|vCPUs from Oversized VMs This metric displays the number of vCPUs realized across all vCenters.

Key: compute_realized|realized_oversized_vcpus

Compute Realized|Memory from Oversized VMs This metric displays the amount of memory realized from oversized VMs across all vCenters.

Key: compute_realized|realized_oversized_mem

Realized Potential Memory Consumed from Oversized VMs This metric displays the potential memory consumed from oversized VMs across all vCenters.

Key: realized|realizedPotentialMemConsumed

Total Number Of Reclaimable Hosts This metric displays the total number of reclaimable hosts across all vCenters.

Key: metric=cost|reclaimableHostCost

Compute Realized|vCPUs from Idle VMs This metric displays the realized vCPUs from idle VMs across all vCenters.

Key: compute_realized|realized_idle_vcpus

Compute Realized|Memory from Idle VMs This metric displays the amount of memory realized from idle VMs across all vCenters.

Key: compute_realized|realized_idle_mem

Disk Space Realized|Idle VMs This metric displays the amount of disk space realized from idle VMs across all vCenters.

Key: storage_realized|realized_idle_diskSpace

Disk Space Realized|Powered Off VMs This metric displays the amount of disk space realized from powered off VMs across all vCenters.

Key: storage_realized|realized_poweredOff_diskSpace

Disk Space Realized|VM Snapshots This metric displays the amount of disk space realized from VM snapshots across all vCenters.

Key: storage_realized|realized_snapshotSpace

Disk Space Realized|Orphaned Disks This metric displays the amount of disk space realized from orphaned disks across all vCenters.

Key: storage_realized|realized_orphaned_diskSpace

CPU Usage Metrics

CPU usage metrics provide information about CPU use.

Metric Name Description
CPU|Capacity usage CPU usages as a percent during the interval.

Key: cpu|capacity_usagepct_average

CPU|CPU contention(%)

This metric shows the percentage of time the VMs in the ESXi hosts are unable to run because they are contending for access to the physical CPUs. The number shown is the average number for all VMs. This number is lower than the highest number experienced by the VM most impacted by CPU contention.

Use this metric to verify if the host can serve all its VMs efficiently. Low contention means that the VM can access everything it demands to run smoothly. It means that the infrastructure is providing good service to the application team.

When using this metric, ensure that the number is within your expectation. Look at both the relative number and the absolute number. Relative means a drastic change in value, meaning that the ESXi is unable to serve the VMs. Absolute means that the real value itself is high. Investigate why the number is high. One factor that impacts this metric is CPU Power Management. If CPU Power Management clocks down the CPU speed from 3 GHz to 2 GHz, the reduction in speed is accounted for because it shows that the VM is not running at full speed.

This metric is calculated in the following way: cpu|capacity_contention / (200 * summary|number_running_vcpus)

Key: cpu|capacity_contentionPct

CPU|Demand (%)

This metric shows the amount of CPU resources a virtual machine might use if there were no CPU contention or CPU limit. This metric represents the average active CPU load for the past five minutes.

Keep this number below 100% if you set the power management to maximum.

This metric is calculated in the following way: ( cpu.demandmhz / cpu.capacity_provisioned)*100

Key: cpu|demandPct

CPU|Demand (MHz) This metric shows the amount of CPU resources a virtual machine might use if there were no CPU contention or CPU limit.

Key: cpu|demandmhz

CPU|Demand CPU demand in megahertz.

Key: cpu|demand_average

CPU|IO wait IO wait (ms).

Key: cpu|iowait

CPU|number of CPU Sockets Number of CPU sockets.

Key: cpu|numpackages

CPU|Overall CPU Contention Overall CPU contention in milliseconds.

Key: cpu|capacity_contention

CPU|Provisioned Capacity (MHz) Capacity in MHz of the physical CPU cores.

Key: cpu|capacity_provisioned

CPU|Provisioned vCPU(s) Number of provisioned CPU cores.

Key: cpu|corecount_provisioned

CPU|Reserved Capacity (MHz) Total CPU capacity reserved by virtual machines.

Key: cpu|reservedCapacity_average

CPU|Usage (MHz) CPU usages, as measured in megahertz, during the interval.
  • VM - Amount of actively used virtual CPU. This is the host's view of the CPU usage, not the guest operating system view.
  • Host - Sum of the actively used CPU of all powered on virtual machines on a host. The maximum possible value is the frequency of the two processors multiplied by the number of processors. For example, if you have a host with four 2 GHz CPUs running a virtual machine that is using 4000 MHz, the host is using two CPUs completely: 400 / (4 2000) = 0.50

Key: cpu|usagemhz_average

CPU|Wait Total CPU time spent in wait state. The wait total includes time spent in the CPU Idle, CPU Swap Wait, and CPU I/O Wait states.

Key: cpu|wait

CPU|Workload (%) Percent of workload

Key: cpu|workload

Memory Metrics

Memory metrics provide information about memory use and allocation.

Metric Name Description
mem|Contention (%)

This metric shows the percentage of time VMs are waiting to access swapped memory.

Use this metric to monitor ESXi memory swapping. A high value indicates that the ESXi is running low on memory, and a large amount of memory is being swapped.

Key: mem|host_contentionPct

mem|Machine Demand (KB) Host memory demand in kilobytes.

Key: mem|host_demand

mem|Provisioned Memory Provisioned host memory in kilobytes.

Key: mem|host_provisioned

mem|Reserved Capacity (KB) Total amount of memory reservation used by powered-on virtual machines and vSphere services on the host.

Key: mem|reservedCapacity_average

mem|Usable Memory (KB) Usable host memory in kilobytes.

Key: mem|host_usable

mem|Host Usage (KB) Host memory use in kilobytes.

Key: mem|host_usage

mem|Usage/Usable (%) Memory usage as percentage of total configured or available memory.

Key: mem|host_usagePct

mem|Workload (%) Percent of workload.

Key: mem|workload

Network Metrics

Network metrics provide information about network performance.

Metric Name Description
net|Packets Dropped (%) This metric shows the percentage of received and transmitted packets dropped in the collection interval.

Use this metric to monitor the reliability and performance of the ESXi network. A high value indicates that the network is not reliable and performance decreases.

Key: net|droppedPct

net|Usage Rate (KB per second) Sum of the data transmitted and received for all of the NIC instances of the host or virtual machine.

Key: net|usage_average

net|Workload (%) Percent of workload.

Key: net|workload

Disk Metrics

Disk metrics provide information about disk use.

Metric Name Description
disk|Total IOPS Average number of commands issued per second during the collection cycle.

Key: disk|commandsAveraged_average

disk|Usage Rate (KB per second) Average of the sum of the data read and written for all of the disk instances of the host or virtual machine.

Key: disk|usage_average

disk|Workload (%) Percent of workload.

Key: disk|workload

Summary Metrics

Summary metrics provide information about overall performance.

Metric Name Description
summary|Number of Running Hosts Number of running hosts.

Key: summary|number_running_hosts

summary|Number of Running VMs

This metric shows the number of running VMs at a given point in time. The data is sampled every five minutes.

A large number of running VMs might be a reason for CPU or memory spikes because more resources are used in the host. The number of running VMs gives you a good indicator of how many requests the ESXi host must juggle. Powered off VMs are not included because they do not impact ESXi performance. A change in the number of running VMs can contribute to performance problems. A high number of running VMs in a host also means a higher concentration risk, because all the VMs fail if the ESXi crashes.

Use this metric to look for a correlation between spikes in the running VMs and spikes in other metrics such as CPU contention, or memory contention.

Key: summary|number_running_vms

summary|Number of Clusters Total number of clusters.

Key: summary|total_number_clusters

summary|Total Number of Datastores Total number of datastores.

Key: summary|total_number_datastores

summary|Number of Hosts Total number of hosts.

Key: summary|total_number_hosts

summary|Number of VMs Total number of virtual machines.

Key: summary|total_number_vms

summary|Total Number of Datacenters Total number of data centers.

Key: summary|total_number_datacenters

summary|Number VCPUs on Powered on VMs Number of virtual CPUs on powered-on virtual machines.

Key: summary|number_running_vcpus

summary|Average Running VM Count per Running Host Average running virtual machine count per running host.

Key: summary|avg_vm_density

summary|Number of Reclaimable Hosts Displays the number of reclaimable hosts.

Key: summary|total_number_reclaimable_hosts

Virtual Machine Operations Metrics for vSphere World

VM operations metrics provide information about the actions performed on VMs. The following are some important points you must know about VM operation metrics for vSphere World.
  • VM operations metrics is not collected for custom data centers.
  • If you edit a VM settings and do not perform any action, still it is considered as VM reconfigure operation.
  • During Revert Snapshot, VMs are powered-off, but this operation is not counted under VM Power-off metric.
  • Adding ESXi with VMs is not counted under VM Create metric.
  • Removing ESXi with VMs is not coutned under VM Remove metric.
  • VM hardstop operation is not counted under VM Power Off metric.
Metric Name Description
VM Clone This metric displays the number of clone operations on the virtual machine.

Key: Inventory|VM Clone

VM Create This metric displays the number of create operations on the virtual machine.

Key: Inventory|VM Create

VM Delete This metric displays the number of delete operations on the virtual machine.

Key: Inventory|VM Delete

VM Reconfigure This metric displays the number of reconfigure operations on the virtual machine.

Key: Inventory|VM Reconfigure

VM Register This metric displays the number of register operations on the virtual machine.

Key: Inventory|VM Register

VM Template Deploy This metric displays the number templates deployed on the virtual machine.

Key: Inventory|VM Template Deploy

VM Unregister This metric displays the number of unregister operations on the virtual machine.

Key: Inventory|VM Unregister

Storage vMotion This metric displays the number of migrations with vMotion (datastore change operations for Powered-on VMs).

Key: Location|Storage vMotion

VM Datastore Change (powered-off VMs) This metric displays the number of datastore change operations, for powered-off and suspended virtual machines.

Key: Location|VM Datastore Change (powered-off VMs)

VM Host and Datastore Change (powered-off VMs) This metric displays the number of host and datastore change operations, for powered-off and suspended virtual machines.

Key: Location|VM Host and Datastore Change (powered-off VMs)

VM Host and Datastore Change (powered-on VMs) This metric displays the number of host and datastore change operations, for powered-on and suspended virtual machines.

Key: Location|VM Host and Datastore Change (powered-on VMs)

VM Host Change (powered-off VMs) This metric displays the number of host change operations, for powered-off and suspended virtual machines.

Key: Location|VM Host Change (powered-off VMs)

vMotion This metric displays the number of migrations with vMotion (host change operations for powered-on VMs).

Key: Location|vMotion

VM Guest Reboot This metric displays the number of reboot operations on the virtual machine guest.

Key: State|VM Guest Reboot

VM Guest Shutdown This metric displays the number of shutdown operations on the virtual machine guest.

Key: State|VM Guest Shutdown

VM Power Off This metric displays the number of power-off operations on the virtual machine.

Key: State|VM Power Off

VM Power On This metric displays the number of power-on operations on the virtual machine.

Key: State|VM Power On

VM Reset This metric displays the number of reset operations on the virtual machine guest.

Key: State|VM Reset

VM Standby Guest This metric displays the number of standby operations on the virtual machine guest.

Key: State|VM Standby Guest

VM Suspend This metric displays the number of suspend operations on the virtual machine.

Key: State|VM Suspend