Cloud service providers can charge for storage either based on storage policies or independent of it in VMware Aria Operations.

Storage prices are calculated based on usage by storage policies that are independent of underlying VMs and templates, or by aggregating the usage from underlying VMs and templates. The difference is that the former considers indirect disks such as log disks and swap disks, whereas the latter considers only the storage used directly by the VMs.


  1. To define price setting, from the left menu, click Administration > Chargeback.
  2. Click the Price Settings tab, and select an option to aggregate storage charges for PAY AS YOU GO (PAYG) org-VDCs.
    1. To charge independent of storage policies, select Aggregate storage charges from VMs, Media, vAPP templates and independent disks for PAYG org-VDCs.
    2. To charge based on storage policies, select Aggregate storage charges from Storage profiles for PAYG org-VDCs.
  3. Click Save.
    Note: The Default Base Rate option under Policy Definition > VCD Pricing > Storage Rate is considered only when you have selected Aggregate storage charges from Storage profiles for payg Org-VDCs in the Pricing Settings tab.