Chargeback allows you to generate monthly bills to provide an account of the overall expenses used for resources in an organization.

As a cloud service provider, you can charge different OVDCs and generate bills at the Organization/OVDC level. You can provide a bill summary at organization level by separating the costs incurred by the different OVDCs. You can also charge for resources consumed at the organization level rather than the OVDC level.
Note: There is a service in Chargeback for automatic bill generation. On the first of every month, bills are generated for all the available organization VDCs for the previous month (1st to 30th or 31st). The generated bills are listed under Chargeback > Bills.


  1. To generate a bill, from the left menu, click Chargeback > Bills, and then click Generate Bill.
  2. Enter the following details.
    Option Description
    Name Enter a name for the bill.
    Description Describe the bill.
    Start Date Select a start date for the bill.
    End Date Select an end date for the bill.
    Advanced Settings
    Policy If you want to generate a bill using a specific policy, then select a policy from the list. Only the policies that have VCD pricing configured will appear in the list.

    It is not mandatory to select a policy from the list. If you do not select any policy, then the bills will be calculated based on VCD pricing configurations present in the default policy.

  3. Click Next to select resources.
  4. Select if you want to generate a bill at the organization level or at a specific OVDC level. The list of resources is updated based on your selection.
    Note: If you select Organization, then all the OVDCs under it are selected automatically. Deselecting any of the OVDCs will undo the selection at the Organization level.
  5. From the list of resources, drag and drop the OVDC or Organization into the left pane.
    Note: You can use filters to filter resources by OVDC Name and Organization.
  6. Click Create.


You can view the bill that you generated from Chargeback > Bills.

For bills generated at the Organization level, you can view the bill summary of the Organization and associated Organization VDCs. The Cloudian Storage section is available only when cloudian storage is configured and applied as part of the pricing policy.