VMware Aria Operations collects CPU usage, memory, summary, network, and datastore metrics for custom data center objects.
CPU Usage Metrics for Custom Data Centers
CPU usage metrics provide information about CPU use.
Metric Name | Description |
Host Provisioned Capacity | Host provisioned capacity (MHz). Key: cpu|capacity_provisioned |
Provisioned vCPU(s) | Provisioned vCPU(s). Key: cpu|corecount_provisioned |
Demand without overhead | Value of demand excluding any overhead. Key: cpu|demand_without_overhead |
Number of hosts stressed | Number of hosts stressed. Key: cpu|num_hosts_stressed |
Stress Balance Factor | Stress balance factor. Key: cpu|stress_balance_factor |
Lowest Provider Capacity Remaining | Lowest provider capacity remaining. Key: cpu|min_host_capacity_remaining |
Workload Balance Factor | Workload balance factor. Key: cpu|workload_balance_factor |
Highest Provider Workload | Highest provider workload. Key: cpu|max_host_workload |
Host workload Max-Min Disparity | Host workload max-min disparity. Key: cpu|host_workload_disparity |
Host stress Max-Min Disparity | Difference of max and min host stress in the container. Key: cpu|host_stress_disparity |
Demand (MHz) | CPU utilization level based on descendant virtual machines utilization. This Includes reservations, limits, and overhead to run the virtual machines. Key: cpu|demandmhz |
Total Capacity (MHz) | Total CPU resources configured on the descendant ESXi hosts. Key: cpu|capacity_provisioned |
Usable Capacity (MHz) | The usable CPU resources that are available for the virtual machines after considering reservations for vSphere High Availability (HA) and other vSphere services. Key: cpu|haTotalCapacity_average |
Memory Metrics for Custom Data Centers
Memory metrics provide information about memory use.
Metric Name | Description |
Usable Memory | Usable memory. Key: mem|host_usable |
Machine Demand | Memory machine demand in KB. Key: mem|host_demand |
Number of hosts stressed | Number of hosts stressed. Key: mem|num_hosts_stressed |
Stress Balance Factor | Stress balance factor. Key: mem|stress_balance_factor |
Lowest Provider Capacity Remaining | Lowest provider capacity remaining. Key: mem|min_host_capacity_remaining |
Workload Balance Factor | Workload balance factor. Key: mem|workload_balance_factor |
Highest Provider Workload | Highest provider workload. Key: mem|max_host_workload |
Host workload Max-Min Disparity | Host workload max-min disparity. Key: mem|host_workload_disparity |
Host stress max-min disparity | Host stress max-min disparity. Key: mem|host_stress_disparity |
Utilization (KB) | Memory utilization level based on the descendant virtual machines utilization. Includes reservations, limits, and overhead to run the Virtual Machines. Key: mem|total_need |
Total Capacity (KB) | Total physical memory configured on descendant ESXi hosts. Key: mem|host_provisioned |
Usable Capacity (KB) | The usable memory resources available for the virtual machines after considering reservations for vSphere HA and other vSphere services. Key: mem|haTotalCapacity_average |
Summary Metrics for Custom Data Centers
Summary metrics provide information about overall performance.
Metric Name | Description |
Number of Running VMs | Number of virtual machines that are ON. Key: summary|number_running_vms |
Maximum Number of VMs | Maximum number of virtual machines. Key: summary|max_number_vms |
Status | Status of the data center. Key: summary|status |
WLP | Displays the VM migration trend as part of workload optimization. These metrics are deactivated by default. You must activate them from policies.
Network Metrics for Custom Data Centers
Network metrics provide information about network performance.
Metric Name | Description |
Usage Rate | The sum of the data transmitted and received for all the NIC instances of the host or virtual machine. Key: net|usage_average |
Data Transmit Rate | Average amount of data transmitted per second. Key: net|transmitted_average |
Data REceive Rate | Average amount of data received per second. Key: net|received_average |
Datastore Metrics for Custom Data Centers
Datastore metrics provide information about datastore use.
Metric Name | Description |
Outstanding IO requests | OIO for datastore. Key: datastore|demand_oio |
Read IOPS | Average number of read commands issued per second during the collection interval. Key: datastore|numberReadAveraged_average |
Write IOPS | Average number of write commands issued per second during the collection interval. Key: datastore|numberWriteAveraged_average |
Read Throughput (KBps) | Amount of data read in the performance interval. Key: datastore|read_average |
Write Throughput (KBps) | Amount of data written to disk in the performance interval. Key: datastore|write_average |
Reclaimable Metrics for Custom Data Centers
Reclaimable metrics provide information about reclaimable resources.
Metric Name | Description |
CPU (vCPUs) | Number of reclaimable vCPUs within the custom data center. Key: reclaimable|cpu |
Disk Space | Reclaimable disk space within the custom data center. Key: reclaimable|diskspace |
Potential Savings | Potential saving after reclamation of resources of all reclaimable VMs (Idle VMs, Powered Off VMs, VM snapshots) within the custom data center. Key: reclaimable|cost |
Memory (KB) | Reclaimable memory within the custom data center. Key: reclaimable|mem |
Number of Orphaned Disks | Number of reclaimable orphaned disks within the custom data center. reclaimable|orphaned_disk_count |
Reclaimable|Orphaned Disks|Potential Savings | Potential savings in cost after reclamation of orphaned disks across the custom data center. Key: reclaimable|orphaned_disk|cost
Note: The orphaned disk reclamation feature might not work as expected when
VMware Aria Operations monitors multiple vCenters which use shared data stores.
Virtual Machines | Number of VMs having reclaimable resources (Memory, disk space, vCPU) within the custom data center. Key: reclaimable|vm_count |
Idle VMs|Potential Savings | Potential saving after reclamation of resources of Idle VMs within the custom data center. Key: reclaimable|idle_vms|cost |
Powered Off VMs|Potential Savings | Potential saving after reclamation of resources of Powered Off VMs within the custom data center. Key: reclaimable|poweredOff_vms|cost |
VM Snapshots|Potential Savings | Potential saving after reclamation of VM snapshots within the custom data center. Key: reclaimable|vm_snapshots |cost |
Reclaimable|Orphaned Disks|Potential Savings (Currency) | Displays the potential savings after reclaimation of disk space by removing orphaned VMDks from all datastores under custom datacenters. reclaimable|cost |
Reclaimable|Number of Orphaned Disks | Number of reclaimable orphaned disks is the sum of the numbers of orphaned disks on it's datastore. reclaimable|orphaned_disk_count |
Disk Space Metrics for Custom Data Centers
Disk space metrics provide information about disk use.
Metric Name | Description |
Utilization (GB) | Storage space used on the connected vSphere Datastores. Key: diskspace|total_usage |
Total Capacity (GB) | Total storage space available on the connected vSphere datastores. Key: diskspace|total_capacity |
Disabled Metrics
The following metrics are disabled in this version of VMware Aria Operations . This means that they do not collect data by default.
You can enable these metrics in the Policy workspace. For more information, in VMware Docs search for Collect Metrics and Properties Details.
Metric Name | Key |
Max Observed Throughput | Max observed rate of network throughput. Key: net|maxObserved_KBps |
Max Observed Transmitted Throughput | Max observed transmitted rate of network throughput. Key: net|maxObserved_Tx_KBps |
Max Observed Received Throughput | Max observed received rate of network throughput. Key: net|maxObserved_Rx_KBps |
Max Observed Reads per second | Max observed average number of read commands issued per second during the collection interval. Key: datastore|maxObserved_NumberRead |
Max Observed Read Rate | Max observed rate of reading data from the datastore. Key: datastore|maxObserved_Read |
Max Observed Writes per second | Max observed average number of write commands issued per second during the collection interval. Key: datastore|maxObserved_NumberWrite |
Max Observed Write Rate | Max observed rate of writing data from the datastore. Key: datastore|maxObserved_Write |
Max Observed Number of Outstanding IO Operations | Max observer number of outstanding IO operations. Key: datastore|maxObserved_OIO |