When you upgrade to this version and later versions of VMware Aria Operations, and you have vCenter Pricing Cards, you can migrate them to VMware Aria Operations policies to utilize the full capability of VMware Aria Operations policies.

Steps to Migrate vCenter Pricing Cards to vCenter Pricing Policies

  1. From the left menu, click Configure > Cost Drivers, and then click the Pricing tab.
  2. From the text box, click the Actions drop-down and then click Migrate Now.
After pricing card migration is complete, the following scenarios are available:
  • Pricing Policies Migration: All the pricing rate cards will be converted to separate policies under the default policy. The converted policies will have the same name as the rate cards with the rate card UUID added as a suffix.
  • Pricing Cards Assignment Migration:
    • If there is just one active policy before migration, then all the rate card assignments will be transferred to the newly created policies.
    • If there is more than one active policy you will have to manually reassign policies to the relevant objects after the migration. It is recommended to proceed with policy assignments immediately after the migration to ensure continuous pricing calculations.

      The rate cards will no longer be available. The new updated capability will be accessible under each policy under Policy Definition in VMware Aria Operations.

    • Default rate card configuration will be migrated to the policy. However, it will not be set as the default. You can achieve this by either making it the default policy or by utilizing VMware Aria Operations Custom Groups capabilities.

After migration of the vCenter pricing cards, you can view the VC Pricing Migration Audit logs from Migration > Audit, and then click the VC Pricing Migration Audit tab. For more details, see VC Pricing Migration Audit.