You create a report to generate a scheduled snapshot of views and dashboards. You can track current resources and predict potential risks to the environment. You can schedule automated reports at regular intervals.The name and description of the report template as they appear in the list of templates on the Report Templates tab.

  1. To create report templates, from the left menu, click Operations > Reports.
  2. From the Reports panel, click Create. From the Create Report Template page, complete the options in each tab.
  3. At the end of each tab, you can go to the previous or next tab. You can also cancel the creation of the report template.
  4. After you have added all the details, click Create to create the report template.

Name and Description Tab

Table 1. Name and Description Options in the Create Report Template Page
Option Description


Name of the template as it appears on the Report Templates tab.


Description of the template.

Report Content Tab

The report template contains views and dashboards. Views present collected information for an object. Dashboards give a visual overview of the performance and state of objects in your virtual infrastructure. You can combine different views and dashboards and order them to suit your needs. The report template contains images of the views/dashboards that are added.
Table 2. Views and Dashboards Options and Sections in the Create Report Template Page
Option Description
Report Template Structure To add a view or a dashboard to your report template, select it from the Views and Dashboards list in the right pane and drag it to the Report Template Structure pane.
View and Dashboards Select Views or Dashboards to display a list of available views or dashboards that you can add to the template.
Filter Search for views or dashboards by name. To see the complete list of views or dashboards, delete the search box contents and press Enter.
Vertical Ellipsis > Portrait/Landscape You can select a portrait or landscape orientation for each view or dashboard from the vertical ellipsis next to the title of the view/dashboard after you drag and drop the view/dashboard to the left pane.
Vertical Ellipsis > Colorization You can activate or deactivate a colorized PDF output for each list view from the vertical ellipsis next to the title of a list view after you drag and drop the list view to the left pane.

Available only for list views.

Layout and Format Tab

The report template can contain layout options such as a cover page, table of contents, and footer. Formats are the outputs in which you can generate the report.
Table 3. Layout and Format Options in the Create Report Template Page
Option Description
Cover Page

Can contain an image up to 5 MB.

The default report size is 8.5 inches by 11 inches. The image is resized to fit the report front page.

Table of contents Provides a list of the template parts, organized in the order of their appearance in the report.
Footer Includes the date when the report is created, a note that the report is created by VMware Aria Operations, and page number.
PDF With the PDF format, you can read the reports, either on or off line. This format provides a page-by-page view of the reports, as they appear in printed form.
CSV In the CSV format, the data is in a structured table of lists.