Payload is an essential information in the data block that you send or receive from the server. Use the Payload Templates page to view the list of payload templates available for each plug-in in VMware Aria Operations. You can add, manage, and edit your payload templates from this page. Default payload templates are provided for each plug-in type.

Where You Find Payload Templates

To manage your payload templates, from the left menu, click Operations > Configurations, and then click the Payload Templates tile. Payload Templates page gives the list of payload templates available for each plugin. Default payload templates are provided for each plugin type
Option Description
Toolbar options

Use the toolbar options to manage your notification rules.

  • Add. Use the Create Payload Template dialog box to create new payload templates.
Click the horizontal ellipsis to perform the following actions.
  • Delete. Removes the selected payload template.
  • Export. Downloads the payload template.
    Note: Export and delete actions are not supported for the default payload templates available for each plug-in.
  • Import. Allows you to import payload templates. To import:
    • Click the Import option from the horizontal ellipsis.
    • Click Browse and select the file to import.
    • Select if you want to Overwrite or Skip the import in case of a conflict.
    • Click Import to import the payload template, and then click Done. A message with the number of imported and skipped files will appear.
Quick Filter Limits the list based on the text you type. It considers only text from templates Name column.

You can also sort columns in the data grid. You can view a blue arrow next to the column according to which sorting was performed, pointing up or down based on the sorting order (ascending or descending).

Template Name

Name of the payload template.

Click the vertical ellipsis to perform the following actions.
  • Edit. Allows you to edit the selected payload template.
  • Clone. Clones the selected payload template.
  • Delete. Removes the selected payload template.
  • Export. Downloads the payload template.
Note: Edit, Delete, and Export actions are not supported for the default payload templates available for each plug-in.
Description Description of the payload template.
Object Types

Base object type against which the payload template is defined, if any.

Attached Notification Rules

Notification rule attached to the payload template.

Attached Outbound Methods

Outbound plugin type attached to the payload template.

Modified By Name of the last person to modify the payload template.
Last Modified Date on which the payload template was last modified.