The Scoreboard widget shows the current value for each metric of objects that you select.

How the Scoreboard Widget and Configuration Options Work

Each metric appears in a separate box. The value of the metric determines the color of the box. You define the ranges for each color when you edit the widget. You can customize the widget to use a sparkline chart to show the trend of changes of each metric. If you point to a box, the widget shows the source object and metric data. Icons in the box indicate the level of criticality.

You edit a Scoreboard widget after you add it to a dashboard. The widget can display metrics of the objects selected during editing of the widget or selected on another widget. When the Scoreboard widget is not in Self Provider mode, it shows metrics defined in a configuration XML file that you select in the Metric Configuration. It shows 10 predefined metrics if you do not select an XML file or if the type of the selected object is not defined in the XML file.

For example, you can configure the Scoreboard widget to use the sample Scoreboard metric configuration and to receive objects from the Topology Graph widget. When you select a host on a Topology Graph widget, the Scoreboard widget shows the workload, memory, and CPU usage of the host.

To set a source widget that is on the same dashboard, you must use the Widget Interactions menu when you edit a dashboard. To set a source widget that is on another dashboard, you must use the Dashboard Navigation menu when you edit the source dashboard.

Where You Find the Scoreboard Widget

The widget might be included on any of your custom dashboards. From the left menu, click Operations > Dashboards to see your configured dashboards.

To customize the data that appears in the dashboard widget, from the left menu, click Operations > Dashboards. To create your dashboard, from the left menu, click Operations > Dashboards. From the Dashboards panel, click Create. To edit your dashboard, from the left menu, click Operations > Dashboards. From the Dashboards panel, select the dashboard you want to edit and select Actions > Edit. Toggle between the Views and Widgets option to view and add a widget or view to the dashboard. The widgets list panel displays a list of all the predefined widgets. Drag a widget to the dashboard workspace in the upper panel.

Scoreboard Widget Configuration Options

On the title bar of the widget, click the Edit Widget icon to configure the widget.

The configuration options are grouped into one or more sections. You can select the objects on which you want to base the widget data and refine the objects in the following sections. Each section filters the objects further and pushes the filtered objects to the next section. The widget data is based on the objects that are the output of the last section.

The Configuration section provides general configuration options for the widget.

The Input Data section provides options to specify input for the widget. This section appears when the widget is in self provider mode.

The Input Transformation section provides options to transform the input for the widget.

The Output Data section provides options to select object types on which you are basing the widget data.

The Output Filter section provides options to restrict the widget data based on the selected filter criteria.

Option Description

Enter a custom title that identifies this widget from other instances that are based on the same widget template.

Refresh Content

Activate or deactivate the automatic refreshing of the data in this widget.

If not activated, the widget is updated only when the dashboard is opened or when you click the Refresh button on the widget in the dashboard.

Refresh Interval

If you activate the Refresh Content option, specify how often to refresh the data in this widget.

Self Provider
Indicates whether the objects for which data appears in the widget are defined in the widget or provided by another widget.
  • On. You define the objects for which data appears in the widget.
  • Off. You configure other widgets to provide the objects to the widget using the dashboard widget interactions options.

When the Scoreboard widget is not in self-provider mode, it shows metrics defined in a configuration XML file that you select in the Metric Configuration.

Round Decimals Select the number of decimal places to round the scores that the widget displays.
Box Columns Select the number of columns that appear in the widget.
Layout Mode Select a Fixed Size or Fixed View layout.

Fixed Size

Fixed View

Use these options to customize the size of the box for each object.
Old metric values Select Show if you want the widget to show the previous value of the metric, if the current value is not available. Select Hide to hide the previous value of the metric, if the current value is not available.
Visual Theme Select a predefined visual style for each instance of the widget.
Max Scores Count Use these menus to customize the format of the scores that the widget displays.
Show Select one or more of the following items to display in the widget:
  • Select Object Name to display the name of the object in the widget.
  • Select Metric Name to display the name of the metric in the widget.
  • Select Metric Unit to display the metric unit in the widget.
  • Select Sparkline to display the Sparkline chart for each metric.
Period Length Select a length of time for the statistic information that the sparkline chart displays.
Show DT Select an option to show or hide the dynamic threshold for the sparkline chart.
Input Data
Select metrics on which you want to base the widget data. You can select an object and pick its metrics.
  1. Click the Add New Metrics icon to add metrics for the widget data. Select an object to view its metric tree and pick metrics for the object. The picked metrics appear in a list in this section.

    The metric tree shows common metrics for several objects when you click the Show common metrics icon.

    While selecting objects for which you want to pick metrics, you can use the Filter text box to search for objects. You can also expand the Tag Filter pane on the left hand side to select one or more object tag values. A list of objects with the selected tag values appears. If you select more than one value for the same tag, you can choose objects that have any of the tags applied. If you select more than one value for different tags, you can choose only the objects that have all the tags applied.

  2. Optionally, select metrics from the list and click the Remove Selected Metrics icon to remove the selected metrics.

    Click the Select All icon to select all the metrics in the list.

    Click the Clear Selection icon to clear your selection of metrics in the list.

Optionally, you can customize a metric and apply the customization to other metrics in the list.

  1. Double-click a metric box in the list to customize the metric and click Update.

    You can use the Box Label text box to customize the label of a metric box.

    You can use the Unit text box to define a measurement unit of each metric.

    You can use the Color Method option to define a coloring criteria for each metric. If this option is set to Custom, you can enter color values in the Yellow, Orange, and Red text boxes. You can also set coloring by symptom definition. If you do not want to use color, select None.

    For example, to view the remaining memory capacity of a VM, select Virtual Machine as an object type, expand the Memory from the metric tree and double-click Capacity Remaining(%). Define a meaningful label name and measurement unit to help you when you observe the metrics. You can select Custom from the Color Method drop-down menu and specify different values for each color, for example 50 for Yellow, 20 for Orange, and 10 for Red.

    You can use the Link to option to add links to external and internal pages. Internal links open in the same tab. External links open in a new tab. Examples of external links are URLs whose hostname does not match with the current VMware Aria Operations instance hostname. Internal links are URLs whose hostname matches the current VMware Aria Operations instance hostname or starts with index.action.

  2. Select a metric and click the Apply to All icon to apply the customization for the selected metric to all the metrics in the list.
Select objects on which you want to base the widget data.
  1. Click the Add New Objects icon and select objects in the pop-up window. The selected objects appear in a list in this section.

    While selecting objects, you can use the Filter text box to search for objects. You can also expand the Tag Filter pane on the left hand side to select one or more object tag values. A list of objects with the selected tag values appears. If you select more than one value for the same tag, you can choose objects that have any of the tags applied. If you select more than one value for different tags, you can choose only the objects that have all the tags applied.

  2. Optionally, select objects from the list and click the Remove Selected Objects icon to remove the selected objects.

    Click the Select All icon to select all the objects in the list.

    Click the Clear Selection icon to clear your selection of objects in the list.


If you select this option, the widget data is based on all the objects in your environment. The following sections provide options to refine the objects for the widget data.

Input Transformation

Transform the input for the widget based on the relationship of the objects. For example, if you select the Children check box and a Depth of 1, the child objects are the transformed inputs for the widget.

Output Data
Empty drop-down menu

Specifies a list with attributes to display.

Add metrics based on object types. The objects corresponding to the selected metrics are the basis for the widget data.

  1. Click the Add New Metrics icon to add metrics based on object types. The metrics that you add appear in a list in this section.

    While selecting object types for which you want to pick metrics, you can filter the object types by adapter type to pick an object type. On the metrics pane, click the Select Object icon to select an object for the object type. Pick metrics of the selected object from the metric tree.

    For example, you can select the Datacenter object type, click the Select Object icon to display the list of data centers in your environment, and pick metrics of the selected data center.

  2. Optionally, select metrics from the list and click the Remove Selected Metrics icon to remove the selected metrics.

    Click the Select All icon to select all the metrics in the list.

    Click the Clear Selection icon to clear your selection of metrics in the list.

Optionally, you can customize a metric and apply the customization to other metrics in the list.

  1. Double-click a metric box in the list to customize the metric and click Update.

    You can use the Box Label text box to customize the label of a metric box.

    You can use the Unit text box to define a measurement unit of each metric.

    You can use the Color Method option to define a coloring criteria for each metric. If this option is set to Custom, you can enter color values in the Yellow, Orange, and Red text boxes. You can also set coloring by symptom definition. If you do not want to use color, select None.

    For example, to view the remaining memory capacity of a VM, select Virtual Machine as an object type, expand the Memory from the metric tree and double-click Capacity Remaining(%). Define a meaningful label name and measurement unit to help you when you observe the metrics. You can select Custom from the Color Method drop-down menu and specify different values for each color, for example 50 for Yellow, 20 for Orange, and 10 for Red.

    You can use the Link to option to add links to external and internal pages. Internal links open in the same tab. External links will open in a new tab. Examples of external links are URLs whose hostname does not match with the current VMware Aria Operations instance hostname. Internal links are URLs whose hostname matches the current VMware Aria Operations instance hostname or starts with index.action.

  2. Select a metric and click the Apply to All icon to apply the customization for the selected metric to all the metrics in the list.
Output Filter

Refine the widget data further based on the filter criteria for object types. The widget data is based on the objects for the filtered object types.

If the objects have a tag filter applied in the Basic subsection, you define filter criteria for the object types of the objects with tag filter applied. If the objects with tag filter applied do not belong to any of the object types in this filter criteria, the widget skips this filter and includes all the objects with tag filter applied.

If the objects have an input transformation applied, you define filter criteria for the object types of the transformed objects.

  1. In the first drop-down menu, select an object type.
  2. In the second drop-down menu, select the option based on which you want to define the filter criteria. For example, if you select Metrics for the Datacenter object type, you can define a filter criteria based on the value of a specific metric for data centers.
  3. In the drop-down menus and text boxes that appear, select or enter values to filter the objects.
  4. To add more filter criteria, click Add.
  5. To add another filter criteria set, click Add another criteria set.