You can add, edit, or remove scope associated with users and groups in VMware Aria Operations. Scope provides you the ability to limit access of a user or a set of users to VMware Aria Operations. The All Objects scope is created by default. Assign the All Objects scope to the user to access all objects discovered by VMware Aria Operations.

Where to Manage Scope

  1. To manage scope, from the left menu, click Administration > Control Panel, and then click the Access Control tile.
  2. Click the Scopes tab.

To view the details for a specific scope defined in VMware Aria Operations, click the scope. The scope details are displayed in the right-side panel. The scope details include the user accounts and user groups associated with the scope.

Table 1. Access Control Scope Summary Grid
Option Description

Scope Toolbar

To manage scopes, use the toolbar options.
  • Click Add to add the scope and provide the name and description for the scope, and assign members to objects in the Scope Information page.
    Select Object Hierarchies and then select the object to assign members to. You can select one or more objects.
    Note: For vSphere Storage object hierarchy, select the Propagate to children checkbox to include all future discovered objects in the scope.
  • Click the Vertical Ellipses to perform any one of the following actions:
    • Edit. Edit a specific scope and modify the details for the scope in the Edit Scope Information page.
    • Clone. Clone a scope and enter a name and description for the cloned scope.
    • Delete. Delete a scope.
  • Click the Horizontal Ellipses and select Delete. Delete a scope.
Filters Activates you to search the list of scopes according to the following criteria:
  • Scope Name
  • Description
  • Modified By
Table 2. Access Control Scope Details Grid
Option Description

Scope Name

Displays the name of the selected scope.
Description Displays the description of the scope, indicating its purpose.

Modified By

Indicates the last person to update the scope.

Last Modified

Indicates the time when the scope was last updated.

User Accounts

Displays the user accounts associated with the selected scope.

User Groups

Displays the user groups associated with the selected scope.