You can discover applications based on user defined criteria such as virtual machine names, tags, or properties (rule-based applications). For example, if the application definition is assigned to a cluster compute resource called 'xyz', then the applications would be discovered only within that cluster. The object scope assignments can be made to both service based application definitions and rule based application definitions.

Where You Manage Applications

From the left menu, select Operations > Applications. From the Applications panel, select Manage Applications.

You can view direct or inherited assignments by selecting either All or Self respectively, in the sliding option at the top of the UI. You must select any of the environment objects in order to see application definitions.

You can view specific details from the options in the data grid.
Table 1. Datagrid Options
Options Description
Object Name Name of the Object.
Direct Assignments Displays the number of application definitions assigned directly to this object.
Inherited Assignments Displays the number of application definitions that are inherited from the object’s ancestors.
Object Type Displays the object type.
Table 2. Assign Application Definition To Scope of Objects
Options Description
Vertical Ellipsis Displays Assign Applications Definitions page.
Select rules from the list below to activate application discovery for selected objects Displays the list of Application Definition Name and Application Definition Type. Select the required definition, the options available are Service-based application definition and Rule-based application definition.
Note: You can use the search option to look for application definitions name.
> Expand the arrow next to the object to view the definitions assigned to the selected object and the discovered applications count. You can also view the inherited assignments for the selected object.
Save Navigates to the Summary tab for the selected Object.
Vertical Ellipsis > Go To Details Navigates to the Summary tab for the selected objects.