Actions are the method you use to configuration changes on managed objects that you initiate from VMware Aria Operations . These actions are available to add to alert recommendations.

Actions are defined to run on the target object from different object levels, allowing you to add actions as recommendations for alert definitions that are configured for different base objects. The Actions page is a list of actions available in your environment.

Where You Find the Actions List

To view the available actions, from the left menu, click Operations > Configurations, and then click the Actions tile. Actions are defined to run on the target object allowing you to add actions as recommendations for alert definitions.

Option Description
Filter options

Limits the list based on the text you type.

You can also sort on the columns in the data grid.

Action Name

Name of the action. Duplicate names indicate that the action name is provided by more than one adapter or has more than one associated object.

Click this link to view Details page. On the Details Page, you can click on Recommendations to view the associated recommendations.

Action Type

Type of action that the action performs, either read or update.

  • Update actions make changes to the target objects.
  • Read actions retrieve data from the target objects.
Adapter Type

Name of the configured adapter that provides the action.

Resource Adapter Type

Adapter that provides the action.

Associated Object Types

Indicates the object level at which the action instance runs.


Indicates whether the action is used in at least one recommendation.

The actions Delete Unused Snapshots for Datastore Express and Delete Unused Snapshots for VM Express appear. However, these actions can only be run in the user interface from an alert whose first recommendation is associated with this action. You can use the REST API to run these actions.

The following actions are also not visible except in the alert recommendations:
  • Set Memory for VM Power Off Allowed
  • Set CPU Count for VM Power Off Allowed
  • Set CPU Count and Memory for VM Power Off Allowed
These actions are intended to be used to automate the actions with the Power Off Allowed flag set to true.