You use roles to manage access control for user accounts in VMware Aria Operations.

In this procedure, you will add a new role and assign administrative permissions to the role.


Verify that you understand the context of this scenario. See User Scenario: Manage User Access Control. For information about roles and associated permissions, see KB 59484.


  1. From the left menu, click Administration > Control Panel, and then click the Access Control tile.
  2. Click the Roles tab.
  3. Click the Add icon on the toolbar to create a role.
    The Create Role dialog box appears.
  4. For the role name, type admin_cluster, then type a description and click OK.
    The admin_cluster role appears in the list of roles.
  5. Click the admin_cluster role.
  6. In the Details grid below, on the Permissions pane, click the Edit icon.
    The Assign Permissions to Role dialog box appears.
  7. Select the Administrative Access - all permissions check box.
  8. Click Update.
    This action gives this role administrative access to all the features in the environment.

What to do next

Create a user account, and assign this role to the account.