VMware Aria Operations now supports costing for private clouds, public clouds, and VMware Cloud Infrastructure. You can track expenses for a single virtual machine (VM), and how these expenses attribute to the overall cost associated with your private cloud accounts and VMware Cloud Infrastructure accounts.

The Cost Overview home page provides all the details about the costs associated with your VMware Cloud Infrastructure accounts, public cloud accounts, and your private cloud accounts. You can view the Total Cost of Ownership, Potential Savings, and Realized Savings for your VMware Cloud Infrastructure cloud accounts and vSphere Private Cloud accounts, and Total Cost of Ownership for your private cloud accounts.

You can view the cost details for the following private and public cloud accounts in VMware Aria Operations .
  • vSphere On-Prem
  • VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF)
  • VMware Cloud on AWS
  • Azure VMware Solutions (AVS)
  • Google Cloud
  • All the values shown in vSphere On-Prem page might not match with the respective metrics at vSphere world level. That is because the metric at vSphere world level has values aggregated for all clouds like, Private, VMC, AVS, VMC-D, GCVE, and OCVS. So the values shown in Overview page are obtained after subtracting the aggregated metric values of VCF clouds from the metric value at vSphere World object.

Private Cloud - Example: vSphere On-Prem

The cost component of vSphere On-Prem private cloud account and VCF cloud account are Total Cost of Ownership, Potential Savings, and Realized Savings.

Total Cost of Ownership - The total cost of ownership widget displays the cost expenditure by capacity, by cost drivers and by datacenter. You can use the by capacity pie chart to view the compute, storage, and VM direct cost associated with your VMware Cloud Infrastructure cloud accounts. The cost drivers bar graph provides details of the cost drivers associated with your VCF cloud accounts and the horizontal graph for datacenters provides the expense details of your VMware Cloud Infrastructure cloud accounts for individual datacenters.
Note: The cost displayed in the Total Cost of Ownership widget might not match with the TCO metric at vSphere world level since it is the Total Aggregated Cost.

All the values shown in vSphere On-Prem widget might not match with the respective metrics at vSphere world level. This is because the metric at vSphere world level has values aggregated for all the clouds, like Private, VMC, AVS,VMC-D, GCVE, and OCVS. Hence the values shown in Overview page are obtained after subtracting the aggregated metric values of VMware Cloud Infrastructure from the metric value at vSphere World object.

Potential Savings

The potential savings widget displays the amount of savings you can potentially make from your VMware Cloud Infrastructure cloud accounts and vSphere Private cloud accounts. The pie chart for resources displays the cost savings opportunity across distributed across Idle VMs, Orphaned VMs, Oversized Hosts, Powered Off VMs, Reclaimable Hosts, and VM Snapshots. The horizontal graph for datacenters provides the overall potential cost savings for your cloud infrastructure and potential savings for individual datacenters. To know more about Potential Savings see, Potential Cost Savings Dashboard
Note: The potential savings option is not available for public cloud accounts.

Realized Savings

The realized savings widget displays the amount of savings you can potentially make from your VMware Cloud Infrastructure cloud accounts and vSphere Private cloud accounts. The pie chart for resources displays the cost savings opportunity distributed across Idle VMs, Orphaned VMs, Oversized Hosts, Powered Off VMs, Reclaimable Hosts, and VM Snapshots. The horizontal graph for datacenters provides the realized cost saving for your overall cloud infrastructure and realized savings for individual data centers. To know more about Potential Savings see, Realized Cost Savings Dashboard. To know more about reclamation cost savings, see Realized Cost Savings Using Reclamation Suggestion.
Note: The realized savings option is not available for public cloud accounts.


The cost dashboards widget lets you compare the cost of VMware Cloud Infrastructure with other public cloud platforms. You can analyze the cloud comparison results and identify the opportunities to manage your cloud resources efficiently. You can click dashboard links and navigate to the respective dashboard from the cost overview page.
Note: The data displayed in the dashboards might not be specific to the selected cloud type. The dashboards might contain data from all vSphere instances and VMware cloud instances.

Public Cloud - Example: Google Cloud Platform

The cost component of public cloud account includes the cost of ownership associated with your public cloud account. The cost components of public cloud account are distributed across accounts, regions, and services. You can select individual account and view the cost associated with that account, region wise or service wise. For Google Cloud Platform the services cost component is replaced by product category.
Note: The data for the public cloud accounts like Google Cloud is collected using the Cloud Health adapter, if the data is not displayed for this section, you have to deploy and configure the cloud adapter.

To know the granular cost visibility and to track your expenses of virtual machines accurately in a private cloud, see Overview of Cost Drivers.

To know the expenses related to the CPU, memory, and storage for a single virtual machine (VM), and how they attribute to the overall cost associated with your cloud infrastructure, see VMware Cloud on AWS Cost Management in VMware Aria Operations.

To know more about Reference based costing for Google Cloud VMware Engine (GCVE) and Azure VMware Solution (AVS), see Reference Based Costing for Azure VMware Solution/Oracle Cloud VMware Solution.