To monitor all the alerts related to the accounting department object group, you create a dashboard that includes the alert list and other widgets. The dashboard provides the alert data in a single location for all related objects.

Creating a dashboard to monitor the accounting virtual machines and related hosts is an optional process, but it provides you with a focused view of the accounting object group alerts and objects.


Create an object group for the accounting department virtual machines and related objects. See Create a Custom Accounting Department Group.


  1. From the left menu, click Operations > Dashboards, and then click Create.
  2. In the Dashboard Configuration definition area, type a tab name similar to Accounting VMs and Hosts and configure the layout options.
  3. Click Widget List and drag the following widgets to the workspace.
    • Alert List
    • Efficiency
    • Health
    • Risk
    • Top Alerts
    • Alert Volume
    The blank widgets are added to the workspace. To change the order in which they appear, you can drag them to a different location in the workspace.
  4. On the Alert List widget title bar, click Edit Widget and configure the settings.
    1. In the Title text box, change the title to Acct Dept Alert List.
    2. For the Refresh Content option, select On.
    3. Type Accounting in the Search text box and click Search.
      The Accounting value corresponds to the name of the object group for the accounting department virtual machines and related hosts.
    4. In the filtered resource list, select the Accounting VMs and Hosts group.
      The Accounting VMs and Hosts group is identified in the Selected Resource text box.
    5. Click OK.
    The Acct Dept Alert List is now configured to display alerts for the Accounting VMs and Hosts group objects.
  5. Click Widget Interactions and configure the following interactions.
    1. For Acct Dept Alert List, leave the selected resources blank.
    2. For Top Alerts, Health, Risk, Efficiency, and Alert Volume select Acct Dept Alert List from the Selected Resources drop-down menu.
    3. Click Apply Interactions.
    With the widget interaction configured in this way, the select alert in the Acct Dept Alert List is the source for the data in the other widgets. When you select an alert in the alert list, the Health, Risk, and Efficiency widgets display alerts for that object, Top Alerts displays the topic issues affecting the health of the object, and Alert Volume displays an alert trend chart.
  6. Click Save.


You created a dashboard that displays the alerts related to the accounting virtual machines and hosts group, including the Risk alert you created.