In VMware Aria Operations , you can now publish daily cost metrics for all virtual machines. The daily cost metric of a virtual machine is the sum of daily cost of CPU, memory, storage, and additional cost associated with the virtual machine. Daily cost metrics provide granular details of the costs associated with the virtual machine.

Formula to Calculate the Daily Cost and Monthly Cost of Virtual Machines

You can calculate the daily cost associated with a virtual machine using the following formula.
Virtual Machine Cost Elements Calculation
Daily Total Cost of Virtual Machine Daily total cost of virtual machine = Sum of Daily cost of (CPU + memory + storage + additional cost)
The change in daily cost metrics also changes the way you calculate the effective month to date cost of a virtual machine. You can use the following formula to calculate Effective Month to Date cost for a virtual machine.
Virtual Machine Cost Elements for a Month Calculation
Effective MTD Cost of VM Sum of CPU daily cost from the beginning of the month until now + Sum of memory daily cost from the beginning of the month until now + Sum of storage daily cost from the beginning of the month until now + Sum of additional daily cost from the beginning of the month until now

How to View the Daily Cost Metrics of a Virtual Machine

To view the daily cost metrics of a virtual machine, from the menu, select Inventory > vCenter Adapter, select the specific Virtual Machine, and click the Metrics tab.