You can share a dashboard with one or more user groups. When you share a dashboard, it becomes available to all the users in the user group that you select. The dashboard appears the same to all the users who share it. If you edit a shared dashboard, the dashboard changes for all users. Other users can only view a shared dashboard. They cannot change it.

Where You Share a Dashboard From

To share a dashboard, from the left menu, click Operations > Dashboards. From the Dashboards panel, click Manage. Click the horizontal ellipsis next to the Add option and click Manage Dashboard Sharing.

Table 1. Dashboard Sharing Options
Option Description
All Dashboards Link to view all the available dashboards that you can share. The dashboards are displayed on the right side in the dashboards list.
User Groups Lists the available user groups that you can share a dashboard with. The list includes the Everyone group.
Dashboard List List of shared dashboards with the selected user group or all the available dashboards that you can share, if no user group is selected.

Manage Dashboard Sharing

To share a dashboard, navigate to the dashboard in the list of dashboards and drag it to the group to share it with, on the left.

To stop sharing a dashboard with a group, click that group on the left panel, navigate to the dashboard in the right panel, and click Stop Sharing above the list.

Table 2. Datagrid Options
Column Name Description
Name Displays the name of the dashboard.
Folder Displays the folder where the dashboard is located.
Description Displays the description of the dashboard.
Activated Displays whether the dashboard is activated for viewing.
Shared Displays if the dashboard is shared with user groups.
Editable Click the check box to share dashboard edit privileges with the specific group.
Owner Displays the owner of the dashboard.
Last Modified Displays the date the dashboard was last modified.
Modified By Displays who modified the dashboard.