To monitor application services running on the target machines, you must configure Telegraf agents in VMware Aria Operations.

Note: The maximum allowed application services count per target machine is 200.

After you have installed the agent, you can activate plugins to monitor application services. Additionally, you can monitor a discovered service on VMs managed and unmanaged by the vCenter Server cloud account and physical servers.

You can configure discovered services and carry out custom monitoring actions. For custom monitoring actions, see Custom Script, Activate Remote Checks, Monitor Windows Services, and Monitor Linux Processes.

  • If plugin activation requires the location of a file (for example, client certificates for SSL Trust) on the target machine, the location and the files should have appropriate read permissions for the arcuser to access those files. Configuration of application services and custom monitoring using Telegraf is referred to as plugins.
    Note: If the plugin displays a permission denied status, provide the arcuser with permissions to the file locations that you have specified during plugin activation.
  • Linux process activation for Pid files works only if the Pid file and its parent directories have read permission for Others.

Activate an Application Service on a Single Target Machine

To monitor an application service on a single target machine, complete the following steps:
  1. From the left menu, click Operations > Applications. From the Applications panel, click Manage Telegraf Agents.
  2. Select the target machine on which the agent is running. You can use the filter functionality too. For example, filter by Agent Status > Agent Running.
  3. Expand the drop-down arrow against the target machine on which the agent is installed. You see the Services Discovered section.
  4. From the Services Discovered section, select a discovered service or custom monitored service, click the vertical ellipsis and then click Add.
  5. Activate the application service from dialog box that is displayed on the right side.
  6. Enter the details for each instance that you add and click Save. For configuration details of each application, see Configuring Supported Application Services.

    Fields with a star are mandatory.

    For more information about the status details that appear against the application services, see the table called Status Details in Additional Operations from the Manage Telegraf Agents Page.

    To edit or delete instances of application services, click the Edit or Delete options from the vertical ellipsis against application service you added. After the services have been added and saved, click the drop down arrow against the application service to view the list of services and their status.

Activate an Application Service on Multiple Target Machines

To monitor an application service on multiple target machines, complete the following steps:
  1. From the left menu, click Operations > Applications. From the Applications panel, click Manage Telegraf Agents.
  2. Select the target machines on which the agent is running where the agent type is product-managed. You can use the filter functionality too. For example, filter by Agent Status > Agent Running and Agent Type > Product-managed agent.
    Note: You can only activate an application service for all object types (Endpoint and Virtual Machine) with a product-managed Telegraf agent installed and running.
  3. Click the Horizontal Ellipsis and then click Activate Service. You see the Activate Service dialog box.
  4. From the Activate Service dialog box, select a discovered service or custom monitoring service by clicking the drop-down arrow in the Select a Service field and click Confirm.
  5. Activate the application service from dialog box that is displayed on the right side.
  6. Enter the details for each instance that you add and click Save. For configuration details of each application, see Configuring Supported Application Services.

    Fields with a star are mandatory.

    For more information about the status details that appear against the application services, see the table called Status Details in Additional Operations from the Manage Telegraf Agents Page.

    To edit or delete instances of application services, click the Edit or Delete options from the vertical ellipsis against application service you added. After the services have been added and saved, click the drop down arrow against the application service to view the list of services and their status.

    For custom monitoring actions, see Custom Script, Activate Remote Checks, Monitor Windows Services, and Monitor Linux Processes.

The following special characters are permitted in the DB user field: '[]{} (),.<> ?:!|/~@#$%^&*- _ +=

You can provide DB name lists in the following format ['DBNAME_1', 'DBNAME_2', 'DBNAME_3'] where DBNAME_1, DBNAME_2, DBNAME_3 must not contain quotes such as ' and ".

Application Availability

When an application service is activated, the Application Availability metric is collected and displays if the application service is running on the target machine or if it is down. 1 indicates that the application service is running on the target machine and 0 indicates that the application service is down. This metric is available for all supported application services except JAVA application service.

For information about deactivating a service, see Deactivate an Application Service.