VMware Aria Operations provides unified plane for license management and consumption visibility for all the licenses used by vCenter systems in VMware Aria Operations.

Before you begin, ensure you either have a VMware Aria Operations license key or a vCenter cloud account with vSphere 8 Enterprise Plus for vSphere Foundation or vSphere 8 Enterprise Plus for VCF licenses. You can log in to Broadcom Support Portal to get your licenses.

To start managing your licenses, from the left menu, click Subscription > License Management.
Note: To view the license management page, you must have the Subscriptions > Licensing > View Licenses permission. To manage the license management page, you must have the Subscriptions > Licensing > View Licenses and Subscriptions > Licensing > Manage Licenses permissions.
On the Licenses tab, you can view the license usage data collected from the registered vCenter systems in VMware Aria Operations. You can view the per product usage overview and usage of individual licenses that are available in the VMware Aria Operations inventory. The data on the licenses tab updates after each collection cycle.
  • Usage Overview: Displays the product-based overview of the licenses. You can view the aggregated data of all your licenses in a single product.
  • Licenses: Displays all the individual licenses that are collected by VMware Aria Operations or are added to VMware Aria Operations.

Usage Overview

Use the Usage Overview section to view the aggregated data for licenses per product. Click the Chart View or List View icon to view the data displayed in a graphical or a list format.

Each product type can have one or more licenses and the data displayed in the usage overview section is a combination of all the licenses in that product type.


Use the Licenses section to view individual license data. The licenses table displays all licenses collected by VMware Aria Operations from the registered vCenter systems. You can add new licenses, add them to vCenter, or remove them from VMware Aria Operations.

You can add a new license and then add the license to vCenter, for more information, see Add Licenses. After you add a license to the VMware Aria Operations inventory, it appears in the licenses table. To view the usage data of a new license key you must add it to a registered vCenter system. You can also select any of the available licenses and add it to vCenter. To delete licenses from the VMware Aria Operations inventory, first remove it from vCenter.
Note: VMware Aria Operations can use the default or the action credentials to communicate with vCenter for licensing purposes. Per vCenter, make sure the credentials you choose have the Global.Licenses privilege assigned and are a member of the LicenseService.Administrators Single Sign-On group. If you choose the default credentials, make sure no action credentials are configured.

If action credentials are provided, those are used to perform the operation, if not, the default credentials are used.

You can view in-depth data of the individual licenses using the License Details pane. The assigned assets display all vCenter systems that are linked to the license key along with the usage and last collection time.
Note: The Evaluation Mode license key appears if one or more vCenter systems have assets that work in evaluation mode. To view all vCenter systems with assets that work in evaluation mode, open the License Details pane.