You can discover applications based on grouping the services discovered, using the Service Discovery adapter.

Discovered Applications

You can discover predefined applications and custom applications. VMware Aria Operations for Logs and VMware Aria Operations are the predefined applications.

Where You View the Discovered Applications

From the left menu, click Operations > Configurations, and then from the right panel click the Application Discovery: Service Based tile.

Custom Applications

You can define custom applications. Click Add Application Definition to add a custom application.
Table 1. Add Custom Application
Option Description
Name Enter a name for the application.
Prefix Enter a prefix for the application.
Services Select a service from the list.

If the Service Discovery adapter discovers the service and if the services are connected to each other, a new application is discovered. The new application appears in the Applications Home page. Navigate to Operations > Applications.

Known Applications

You see a list of the predefined applications supported. Select the predefined application, click the vertical ellipsis, and then click Preview. From the relevant Application pane, you can view the application services that can be discovered, and if the connections are identified, they will form an application. You can view the applications that are discovered by clicking Operations > Applications > Applications Home.


If the same service instance is a member of more than one application (both known and custom), then the service is a part of the application that has the greatest number of services configured in the application definition.

The discovered set of services that communicate with each other, should match at least 70% of the defined application. Only the matching ones are filtered out based on whether one service is defined on more than one application.