To collect and display VM memory overhead vCenter Server, you create a custom view.


  1. From the left menu, click Operations > Views.
  2. From the Views panel, click Create and then click Distribution from the right panel.
  3. From the New View dialog box, in the Name & Configuration tab, enter Virtual Machines Memory Overhead, as the name for the view.
  4. Enter a meaningful description for the view.
    For example, A view showing the VM memory overhead.
  5. From the Configuration > Visualization drop-down menu, select Pie Chart.
  6. From the Configuration > Distribution Type option, select Discrete distribution.
    Leave Max number of buckets deselected because you do not know the number of hosts on each vCenter Server instance. If you specify a number of buckets and the hosts are more than that number, one of the slices shows unspecified information labeled Others.
  7. Click Next.
  8. From the Data tab, click Subject to select the object type that applies to the view.
    1. From the drop-down menu, select Host System.
  9. From the tree panel in the left, in the filter text box enter VM Overhead.
  10. Double-click Memory > VM Overhead to add the metric.
  11. Retain the default metric configurations and click Create.