VMware Aria Operations includes a central page where you can review authentication certificate contents.

How the Certificates Page Works

The Certificates page lets you examine certificate contents without the need to open the certificate outside of VMware Aria Operations.

Where You Find Certificates

In the menu, click Administration > Control Panel, and then click the Certificates tile.

Certificate Tabs

The certificate tab describes columns of exceptions tabs.

Note: The CRL tab is activated only when you select the Activate Standard Certificate Validation under Global Settings.
Table 1. Certificate Tabs
Tabs Description
Exceptions Lists the certificate that is accepted by the VMware Aria Operations administrator but is not certified by the Certificate Authority (CA).

A Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is a list of digital certificates that have been revoked by the issuing Certificate Authority (CA) before their scheduled expiration date and should no longer be trusted. Click the Add icon to upload the certificates.

Certificate Options

The options include a data grid for examining certificate contents.

Table 2. Certificate Options
Option Description
Certificate Thumbprint Unique alphanumeric string associated with the certificate
Issued By Content associated with the issuer of the certificate, such as organization name and location
Issued To Typically, content associated with the issuer, plus the certificate object Identifier (OID)
Expires The date after which the certificate cannot be used for successful authentication