An event is any change to an object defined by a change in the metrics for that object. You can compare changes to an object with symptoms and other data to identify a possible cause for a generated alert.

How the Events Display Works

The Events tab is a list of all the events generated for the selected object, group, or application based on messages send by either external sources or by internal self troubleshooting system.

The following vCenter Server activities are some of the activities that generate VMware Aria Operations events:
  • Powering a virtual machine on or off
  • Creating a virtual machine
  • Installing VMware Tools on the guest OS of a virtual machine
  • Adding a newly configured ESX/ESXi system to a vCenter Server system
Depending on alert definitions, these events might generate alerts.

You might monitor the same virtual machines with other applications that provide information to VMware Aria Operations , with the adapters for those applications configured to provide change events. In this instance, the Events tab includes certain change events that occur on the monitored objects. These change events might provide further insight into the cause of problems that you are investigating.

Where You Find the Events Display

  • From the left menu, click Global Inventory, then select a group, custom data center, application, or inventory object. Click the object to display the object's Summary tab. Click the Events subtab in the Alerts tab.
  • In the menu, select Search and locate the object of interest. Click the object to display the object's Summary tab. Click the Events subtab in the Alerts tab.
Table 1. Include
Option Description

Shows or hides events for the current object.


Shows or hides events for objects like the impacted object.

Parents <options>

Shows or hides events for the parent, grandparent, and so on, objects of the current object.

Children <options>

Shows or hides the events for the descendants of the impacted object.

Table 2. Events Data Grid
Option Description

Criticality is the level of importance of the event in your environment. The event criticality appears in a tooltip when you hover the mouse over the criticality icon.

The level is based on the level assigned when the event definition was created, or on the highest symptom criticality, if the assigned level was Symptom Based.

The possible values include:
  • Critical
  • Immediate
  • Warning
  • Information
Object Name

Name of the event definition that generated the event. Click the event name to view the event details tabs where you can begin troubleshooting the event.

Event Type

Describes the type of event that triggered on the selected object, and helps you categorize the event so that you can assign certain types of events to specific system administrators. For example, Application, Virtualization/Hypervisor, Hardware, Storage, Network, Administrative, and Findings.

Information Describes additional information about the type of event that triggered on the selected object, and helps you categorize the events to a more detailed level.
Created On

Date and time when the event was generated.

Cancelled On Date and time when the event was cancelled.
Table 3. Filters
Filtering options
The advanced search and filter lets you search for a event by:
  • Symptom
  • Status
  • Criticality
  • Triggered On
  • Created On
  • Canceled On
Table 4. Group By Options
Option Description
None Events are not sorted into specific groupings.
Time Group events by time triggered.
Criticality Group events by criticality. Values are, from the least critical: Info/Warning/Immediate/Critical.
Definition Group events by definition, that is, group like events together.
Object Type Group events by the type of object that triggered the alert. For example, group events on hosts together.
Scope Group events by scope. You can search for events within the selected scope.