The symptoms display includes all the symptoms triggered for the current object. Use the symptom list to identify problems with an object so that you can resolve alerts generated for the object.

How the Symptoms Work

The list is the active triggered symptoms for an object, either as part of a generated alert or as a triggered symptom that is not included in an alert. This complete symptom list is useful for identifying problems that occur on an object but are not currently included in your alert definitions.

Click a symptom in the list to display the symptom details. An arrow in each column heading enables you to order the list in ascending or descending order. You can select multiple rows in the list using Shift+click, Control+click.

Where You Find the Symptoms Display

  • From the left menu, click Global Inventory, then select a group, application, or inventory object. Click the object to display the object's Summary tab. Click the Symptoms subtab in the Alerts tab.
  • In the menu, select Search and locate the object of interest. Click the object to display the object's Summary tab. Click the Symptoms subtab in the Alerts tab.
Table 1. Symptoms Data Grid
Option Description

Criticality is the level of importance of a symptom in your environment.

The level is based on the same level assigned when the symptom was created. The possible values include:
  • Critical
  • Immediate
  • Warning
  • Information

Name of the triggered symptom.


Current state of the symptom.

Possible values are Active or Inactive.

Created On

Date and time when the alert was generated.

Canceled On

Date and time when the symptom was canceled.


Information about the triggering condition for the symptom, including the trend and current value.

The sparkline displays a range of data that includes six hours before the symptom update time and one hour after the update time.

Table 2. Actions Menu
Option Description
Actions menu Select the Go To Symptom Definition option to open the Symptom Definitions page in the Configure > Alerts path.
Table 3. Include
Option Description

Shows or hides symptoms for the current object.


Shows or hides symptoms for objects like the impacted object.

Parents <options>

Shows or hides symptoms for the parent, grandparent, and so on, objects of the current object.

Children <options>

Shows or hides the symptoms for the descendants of the impacted object.

Table 4. Filters
Filtering options
The advanced search and filter lets you search for a symptom by:
  • Symptom
  • Status
  • Criticality
  • Triggered On
  • Created On
  • Canceled On
Table 5. Group By Options
Option Description
None Symptoms are not sorted into specific groupings.
Time Group Symptoms by time triggered.
Criticality Group Symptoms by criticality. Values are, from the least critical: Info/Warning/Immediate/Critical.
Definition Group Symptoms by definition, that is, group like Symptoms together. The default.
Object Type Group Symptoms by the type of object that triggered the alert. For example, group Symptoms on hosts together.
Scope Group Symptoms by scope. You can search for Symptoms within the selected scope.