VMware Aria Operations discovers the descendants of the selected object and lists them.

How the List Tab Works

Descendant objects of the object you selected appear in the datagrid of the List tab. To find a particular object, you can sort a column in the grid or search for a word in the filter, or use the filter options.

Where You Find the List Tab

From the left menu, click Inventory and then click a vCenter Server instance from the datagrid. From the Inventory panel, select an object and then click the Details > List tab from the right side.

Use the toolbar options to manage objects.

  • Filter options limit the list to objects matching the filter. Filter options include All, ID, Internal ID, Name, Description, Adapter Type, Object Type, and Identifiers.
  • Select the object to manage from the list.
Table 1. Toolbar Options
Option Description
Actions Perform an action on the selected object. Available actions depend on the object type. For example, Power on VM applies to the selected virtual machine.
Open in external application If an adapter includes the ability to link to another application for information about the object, click the button to access a link to the application. For example, Open Virtual Machine in a vSphere Client or Search for VM logs in VMware Aria Operations for Logs.
Edit Object Edit the selected object. For example, add or change the maintenance schedule for a virtual machine. If multiple objects of the same type are selected, common identifiers for the object type are editable. For example, change the VM entity name of multiple datastores with a single edit. See Manage Objects Workspace.
Add Object VMware Aria Operations discovers objects for most adapters. For adapters that do not support autodiscovery for all objects, the objects are manually added. See Manage Objects Workspace.
Discover Objects Perform an IP scan to discover objects associated with a particular adapter. See Discover Objects.
Delete object Remove the object from the list.
Start maintenance Take the object offline for maintenance. See Manage Maintenance Schedules for Your Object Workspace.
End maintenance Terminate the maintenance period and put the selected object back online.
Clear Selections Clear all object selections.
Select All Select all objects displayed.
Add/Edit Custom Property Define or add custom properties.
Go to Details Display the Summary tab of the selected object.
Page Size The number of objects to list per page.
Table 2. Datagrid Options
Option Description
Name Displays the name of the object.
Adapter Type Displays the name of the adapter.
Object Type Displays the type of object.
Policy Displays the policy associated with the object.
Collection State Displays the collection state of an adapter instance for each object.
Collection Status Displays the collection status of an adapter instance of each object.