The VCF World Summary tab provides details on the VCF World inventory of the organization including key components, recommended actions for the VCF organization, and the health of the object types at the world level.

Where To View the World Summary Tab

From the left menu, click Inventory > Inventory Panel (Detailed View) > Integrations > All Objects > VMware Cloud Foundation > VCF World. Select the VCF World object type.

Table 1. World Summary Options
Option Description
Recommended Actions Displays details such as object type, number of accounts, and the recommended actions for each account.
This widget provides a visual indicator of the alert status for the following alert types.
  • Critical and Immediate alerts usually require immediate attention.
  • Warning alerts indicate that you must look into any problems shortly.
  • Normal and Unknown alerts indicate alerts you can look at later.
World Displays the health badge for the VCF World object type. You can view the average health of all group members, the compliance, efficiency, risk, workload, and the total count of critical, immediate, and normal compliance.
Active Alerts Displays the visual indicator of the alert status for the following alert types. You can view the name of the object and alert description, alert type, and subtype. The time when the alert was generated, the suggested fix, and when the action was taken upon the alert.

Displays the account information of the selected object.