The Base Rate Analysis dashboard helps you analyze the cost efficiency of your data center.

Customizations Available for Your Use

Certain data centers can be excluded, such as the development data centers that do not have to be expensed, by customizing the views in the widget.

Widget Information

  • The total cost of ownership is the cost required to run your data center per month. This is derived from the cost drivers.
  • The average cost per VM is derived by considering the cost of all the VMs in your environment. The cost of each VM depends on the base rate of the cluster the VM is placed on and its utilization. The base rate of the cluster is computed based on the total cost of ownership and the expected utilization levels of the cluster. Storage base rates are directly obtained from cost drivers.
  • If the cluster is running on an allocation-based capacity model, the base rate is derived from the total cost of the cluster and the over-commit ratio. The base rate is indicative of how costly a resource is, on a given cluster.
  • A base rate is derived from the total cost and the expected utilization of the cluster.
  • A deeper analysis of the base rates can be performed using the CPU, memory, or storage-related widgets, which help rank clusters and datastores relative to their base rates.