The AWS Network Services Overview dashboard is built to provide an overview of your AWS VPCs and key network services linked to it.

You can view the number of VPCs, Subnets, NAT Gateways, and VPN connections.

The AWS Network Services Overview dashboard helps you answer several key questions.
  • What is the network service count for a specific account or region?
  • How many VPCs are used for a specific account or region?
  • What are the NAT gateways for a specific VPC?
  • How many VPNs and Subnets are connected to a specific VPC?

How to Use the Dashboard?

In the AWS Network Services Overview dashboard, the numbers of VPCs, Subnets, NAT Gateways, and VPN connections are displayed at the AWS World level by default. You can filter them by account and by region. You can also drill down to a specific VPC and check the NAT Gateways and VPN Connections linked to the selected VPC.

  • Accounts widget: Lists the AWS accounts. Select an account from the table to refresh the dashboard and view the VPC information for the specific account.
  • Regions widget: Lists the AWS regions. Select a region to filter the displayed information and view the data for VPCs per region.
  • Network Service Count widget: Displays the total number of VPCs, number of VPC NAT Gateways, and the number of VPN connections.
  • VPC List: Displays the names and regions of the VPCs deployed. The first VPC in the list is selected by default. The list of VPCs gets updated according to the account and region you select. Select a VPC instance to view the associated VPC NAT gateways, VPN connection, and connected services.
  • VPC NAT Gateways: Displays the VPC NAT Gateway information for the first VPC in the VPC list by default. The VPC NAT gateways list gets updated according to the VPC you select.
  • VPN Connection: Displays the number of VPN connections for the first VPC in the VPC list by default. The VPN connections information gets updated according to the VPC you select.
  • Connected Services: Displays the number of connected services for the first VPC in the VPC list by default. It displays the number of VPNs and the number of subnets connected to the VPC. The information gets updated according to the VPC you select.