The integration of the VMware Aria Operations service and VMware Aria Automation Cloud service happens automatically if your organization has access to both the services. If you add VMware Aria Automation Cloud services first and then add VMware Aria Operations cloud services, VMware Aria Operations autoconfigures the VMware Aria Automation Cloud accounts.

How Cloud Integration Works

Once the integration of VMware Aria Automation cloud service with VMware Aria Operations is complete. VMware Aria Operations service provides the following information about the integrated VMware Aria Automation cloud account:
  • Import cloud accounts defined in VMware Aria Automation Cloud to VMware Aria Operations.
  • View cloud zones defined in VMware Aria Automation cloud in VMware Aria Operations.
  • Modifications done to Cloud Zones in VMware Aria Automation cloud are reflected in VMware Aria Operations.
  • View the integrated cloud adapter instance in VMware Aria Automation inventory objects.
  • List the objects related to the integrated cloud adapter in VMware Aria Operations inventory.
  • Access to the objects in your VMware Aria Automation cloud account is based on your user role. An organization administrator has access to all the objects in your cloud environment, but an organization member has limited access to the objects in your cloud environment.
  • Updates done to the objects or data of VMware Aria Automation cloud are reflected in VMware Aria Operations as well.
  • After the VMware Aria Automation cloud and VMware Aria Operations integration is complete, all the dashboards of VMware Aria Automation are created in VMware Aria Operations.

You can perform reset and upgrade operation on VMware Aria Automation cloud accounts. If you reset the VMware Aria Automation account, you create an environment and all the data related to the old setup is removed from the system.

If you upgrade the VMware Aria Automation cloud account, the historical data is retained in the VMware Aria Operations account.