Complete the prerequisites required during the handshake of cloud proxy with the target machines.

For the handshake of cloud proxy with the target machines, the following prerequisites are required:

  • The target machine where Telegraf should run, cloud proxy, and VMware Aria Operations should be time synchronized. In case of VMs managed by vCenter Server cloud account, the ESXi instance where the VM is deployed, vCenter Server, VMs, VMware Aria Operations and cloud proxy should be time synchronized.
  • The target machines must have access to ports 443, 4505, and 4506 on cloud proxy and on the virtual IP of the application monitoring high availability activated collector group. You can verify access by running the following commands on the target machine:
    • For Linux Machines:
      timeout 10 bash -c "</dev/tcp/{cloudproxy_fqdn_or_virtual_IP}/4505"
      echo $?
      timeout 10 bash -c "</dev/tcp/{cloudproxy_fqdn_or_virtual_IP}/4506"
      echo $?
      timeout 10 bash -c "</dev/tcp/{cloudproxy_fqdn_or_virtual_IP}/443"
      echo $?
    • For Windows Machines:
      wget.exe --spider -t 1 -T 10 {cloudproxy_fqdn_or_virtual_IP}:4505 
      wget.exe --spider -t 1 -T 10 {cloudproxy_fqdn_or_virtual_IP}:4506
      wget.exe --spider -t 1 -T 10 {cloudproxy_fqdn_or_virtual_IP}:443
      Note: If you do not have wget.exe on the Windows machine, navigate to the %temp% folder or it's parent folder in File Explorer and search for wget.exe after you attempt installation.
      Note: In the above commands, use virtual IP in the case of application monitoring high availability activated collector groups. For individual cloud proxy or cloud proxy which belongs to application monitoring high availability deactivated collector groups, use the cloud proxy FQDN.
  • The necessary privileges for a user which are required for agent installation are mentioned in the User Account Prerequisites page.
  • Target machine configuration requirements.
    • Linux requirements

      Commands: /bin/bash, sudo, tar, awk, curl

      Packages: coreutils (chmod, chown, cat), shadow-utils (useradd, groupadd, userdel, groupdel), net-tools

      Configure mount point on /tmp directory to allow script execution.

    • Windows requirement
      • The Visual C++ version must be higher than 14.
      • Performance Monitors on a Windows OS VM must be activated.
    • Windows 2012 R2 requirement

      The target machine must be updated with the Universal C Runtime. Refer to the following link for more information.

  • VMware Tools must be installed and running on the vCenter Server VM on which you want to install the agent. For information about supported VMware Tools versions, click this link.
    Note: Applicable only to VMs managed by the vCenter Server cloud accounts.
  • Add a tmp folder with "exec" permission to install agents on the latest UAG Photon OS VM. To configure a mount point on the /tmp directory to allow script execution, run the following command: <mount -o remount,exec /tmp>