The Consumer \ Update it? dashboard complements the main VM configuration dashboard by displaying the actual VMs, with their relevant information. The dashboard is designed for vSphere administrators and the platform team, to facilitate follow-up action with the VM owners. The Consumer \ Update it? dashboard is one of the eight dashboards that check the environment for optimization opportunities.

Design Considerations

The Consumer \ Update it? dashboard follows the same design considerations specified for the Consumer \ Correct it? dashboard. The eight Configuration > Review dashboards form an optimization flow and are designed as a set. Use them together, as you go through the optimization review process.

How to Use the Dashboard

The Consumer \ Update it? dashboard is a collection of tables (List View), which can be reviewed independently. Click the object name to navigate to the Object Summary page to view more configurations. There can be valid reasons why specific configurations are not followed. It is recommended that you discuss best practices with VMware.
  • Outdated Tools Widget:
    • Lists all the VMware Tools versions that are still supported. Tailor the filter to fit your operational needs.
  • Outdated VM Hardware Widget:
    • Lists all the VM vmx versions that are not 13, 14, 15, or 16. Tailor the filter to fit your operational needs.
  • Outdated Windows and Red Hat Widgets:
    • Lists all the Windows client versions that are not version 10.
    • Lists all the Windows server versions that are not versions 2016 and 2019.
    • Lists all the RHEL versions that are not version 7 or 8.
    • If you run other operating systems like Ubuntu, clone the widget. You can also repurpose the widget if you do not run RHEL and Windows.

Points to Note

See the Points to Note section as specified in the Consumer \ Correct it? dashboard. This dashboard follows the same design considerations, and hence shares limitations and customization ideas.