Metrics are collected for the Pivotal TC Server application service.

Table 1. Pivotal TC Server Metrics
Metric Name Category KPI
Buffer Pool<InstanceName>|Count Pivotal TC Server False
Buffer Pool<InstanceName>|Memory Used Pivotal TC Server False
Buffer Pool<InstanceName>|Total Capacity Pivotal TC Server False
Class Loading|Loaded Class Count Pivotal TC Server False
Class Loading|Total Loaded Class Count Pivotal TC Server False
Class Loading|Unloaded Class Count Pivotal TC Server False

File Descriptor Usage|Max File Descriptor Count

Pivotal TC Server False
File Descriptor Usage|Open File Descriptor Count Pivotal TC Server False
Garbage Collection:<InstanceName>|Total Collection Count Pivotal TC Server False
Garbage Collection:<InstanceName>|Total Collection Time Pivotal TC Server False
Process CPU Usage (%) Pivotal TC Server True
JVM Memory|Heap Memory Usage|Committed Memory Pivotal TC Server True
JVM Memory|Heap Memory Usage|Initial Memory Pivotal TC Server False
JVM Memory|Heap Memory Usage|Maximum Memory Pivotal TC Server False
JVM Memory|Heap Memory Usage|Used Memory Pivotal TC Server True
JVM Memory|Non Heap Memory Usage|Committed Memory Pivotal TC Server True
JVM Memory|Non Heap Memory Usage|Initial Memory Pivotal TC Server False
JVM Memory|Non Heap Memory Usage|Maximum Memory Pivotal TC Server False
JVM Memory|Non Heap Memory Usage|Used Memory Pivotal TC Server True
JVM Memory|Number of Object Pending Finalization Count Pivotal TC Server True
JVM Memory|Pool:<InstanceName>|Peak Usage|Committed Memory Pivotal TC Server False
JVM Memory|Pool:<InstanceName>|Peak Usage|Initial Memory Pivotal TC Server False
JVM Memory|Pool:<InstanceName>|Peak Usage|Maximum Memory Pivotal TC Server False
JVM Memory|Pool:<InstanceName>|Peak Usage|Used Memory Pivotal TC Server False
JVM Memory|Pool:<InstanceName>|Usage|Committed Memory Pivotal TC Server False
JVM Memory|Pool:<InstanceName>|Usage|Initial Memory Pivotal TC Server False
JVM Memory|Pool:<InstanceName>|Usage|Maximum Memory Pivotal TC Server False
JVM Memory|Pool:<InstanceName>|Usage|Used Memory Pivotal TC Server False
Process CPU Usage (%) Pivotal TC Server True
System CPU Usage (%) Pivotal TC Server True
Uptime Pivotal TC Server True
Threading|Thread Count Pivotal TC Server False
System Load Average Pivotal TC Server False
Application Availability Pivotal TC Server False
Current Thread Count Pivotal TC Server Thread Pool False
Current Threads Busy Pivotal TC Server Thread Pool True
Total Request Bytes Received Pivotal TC Server Thread Pool False
Total Request Bytes Sent Pivotal TC Server Thread Pool False
Total Request Count Pivotal TC Server Thread Pool True
Total Request Error Count Pivotal TC Server Thread Pool True
Total Request Processing Time Pivotal TC Server Thread Pool True
JSP Count Pivotal TC Server Web Module False
JSP Reload Count Pivotal TC Server Web Module False
JSP Unload Count Pivotal TC Server Web Module False