After you integrate VMware Aria Automation private cloud adapter instances with VMware Aria Operations, you can calculate the cost of deployments, projects, and virtual machines of the selected cloud adapter. Pricing provides an overview of the costs related to the cloud environment, cloud resources, and the costs associated with the project.

How the Pricing Works in VMware Aria Automation

  • VMware Aria Operations understands the constructs defined in VMware Aria Automation and calculates the CPU, RAM, Storage and Additional prices for Projects, Deployments, and virtual machines.
  • A single project can have multiple deployments and a single deployment can have multiple virtual machines associated with the deployment.
  • Pricing for multiple virtual machines associated with the deployment is the sum of all the resources associated with individual virtual machines.
  • If a single project has multiple deployments, then the project pricing is equal to the sum of individual deployments. The deployment can have multiple virtual machines and resources associated with it.
  • On day one, the pricing is equal to the cost of resources defined in VMware Aria Operations.
  • On day two, the price is calculated using the following formula.
    • Cost of resources for the present day – Cost of resources for the previous day
  • If in case the pricing does not happen as per the definition, then the partial price is set to true, and the pricing is calculated based on the previous days price.
  • In VMware Aria Operations, the following new dashboards are included to view the pricing details for the VMware Aria Automation instances.
    • Cloud Automation Environment Overview
    • Cloud Automation Project Cost Overview
    • Cloud Automation Resource Consumption Overview
    • Cloud Automation Top-N Dashboard

Data Collection Enhancements in VMware Aria Automation for Pricing in VMware Aria Operations

The following enhancements have been made for the data collection process from VMware Aria Automation for pricing purposes.
  • Collect cloud zones with relation to clusters and resources pools from VMware Aria Automation to VMware Aria Operations.
  • Collect Projects from VMware Aria Automation with relation to deployments.
  • Include project, cloud zone, and blueprint as properties in virtual machines that are deployed in VMware Aria Automation.

Upfront Price Support for VMware Cloud on AWS Resources

VMware Aria Operations supports upfront pricing for VMware Cloud on AWS resources in the following ways:
  • VMware Aria Operations supports upfront pricing for VMware Cloud on AWS only if rate-based pricing is configured in VMware Aria Automation for VMware Cloud on AWS resources.
  • VMware Aria Operations does not support cost-based computation for VMware Cloud on AWS resources.

Upfront Pricing Support for Metering Policy

VMware Aria Operations supports upfront pricing for metering policy in the following ways:
  • VMware Aria Operations supports tag-based metering policy for cost calculation using virtual machines with specific key and value. Virtual machines can be charged on a per day basis.
  • VMware Aria Operations supports metering policy with one-time charges for virtual machines on a daily basis.
  • VMware Aria Operations supports metering policy for specific operating systems.
  • VMware Aria Operations supports custom properties in metering policy for calculating cost of resources in virtual machines.