You can activate remote checks such as ICMP Check, UDP Check, TCP Check, and HTTP Check.

  • ICMP check sends a ping from the target machine to a specified resource.
  • UDP check performs a UDP based connection check from the target machine to a specified resource.
  • TCP check performs a connection check from the target machine to the port of a specified resource.
  • HTTP check performs REST API calls from the target machine to a specified URL.


  1. From the Manage Telegraf Agents tab, filter by Agent Status > Agent Running.
  2. Expand the drop-down arrow against the relevant target machine on which the agent is installed. You see the Custom Monitoring section.
  3. Against the ICMP Check, UDP Check, TCP Check, or HTTP Check options, click the vertical ellipsis and then click Add.
  4. From the dialog box that appears on the right side, you can activate and configure the remote checks to be monitored.
    For configuration information, see Configuring Supported Application Services.
  5. Click Save.