In-app guided tours in VMware Aria Operations help you get started with configuring and using the product. These guides are designed to help you achieve the best time to value by enabling the self-learning journey. In-app guided tours are categorised based on high level goals. Within each tour, you will see a list of guides which will help you perform tasks to achieve the goal of completing the workflow easily and quickly.

You can see the list of in-app guided tours when you click the green color + launcher icon in the bottom right of the VMware Aria Operations UI. The tours which are displayed depends on your role. For example, administrators and trial users see different in-app tours.

VMware Aria Operations offers the following in-app guided tour categories:
  • Connect VMC Tour
  • Connect vSphere Tour
  • Create Dashboards Tour
  • Explore Availability Tours
  • Explore Dashboards & Reports Tour
  • Explore Inventory Tour
  • Generate a Report Tour
  • Introduction to In Product Guides
  • Performance Management Tours
  • Setup Alert Notifications Tour
  • Troubleshoot an Object Tour

Click on a tour to see the guides under it. When you launch a guide, VMware Aria Operations displays on-screen help text which gives you instructions on how to complete the task. The on-screen text can also help you navigate to the page in the VMware Aria Operations UI from where you must start the task. The on-screen help text changes as you move to the next step of the task. You can exit the guided tour at any point of time.