VMware Aria Operations collects summary and event properties for vCenter Server system objects.

Table 1. Summary Properties Collected for vCenter ServerSystem Objects
Property Key Property Name Description
summary|version Version Version
summary|vcuuid VirtualCenter ID Virtual Center ID
summary|vcfullname Product Name Product Name
Table 2. Event Properties Collected for vCenter ServerSystem Objects
Property Key Property Name Description
event|time Last VC Event Time Last Virtual Center Event Time
event|key Last VC Event ID Last Virtual Center Event ID
Table 3. Custom Field Manager Property Collected for vCenter ServerSystem Objects
Property Key Property Name Description
CustomFieldManager|CustomFieldDef Custom Field Def Custom Field Def for vCenter Tagging information at the Adapter level.
Table 4. Compliance Configuration Related Properties for vCenter ServerSystem Objects
Property Key Property Name Description
vc_appliance|hasAccessSSH Appliance|Access SSH Access SSH
vc_appliance|networkNICs Appliance|Number of NICs NICs