VMware Aria Operations collects configuration, summary, and properties about datastore use for datastore objects.

Table 1. Configuration Properties of Datastore and Datastore Cluster Objects
Property Key Property Name Description
config|iormConfigStatus Configuration|Storage IO Control Status Displays the status of Storage IO Control. If enabled control over Disk IO (using shares, limitations and reservation) is in place.Value: True or False.
summary|total_number_datastores Summary|Total Number of Datastores Displays the total number of member datastores in the cluster.
summary|parentVcenter Summary|Parent vCenter Displays the details of the parent vCenter.
summary|parentDatacenter (GB) Summary|Parent Datacenter Displays the details of the parent Datacenter.
Table 2. Capacity Properties Collected for vSAN Datastore Objects
Property Key Property Name Description
Capacity|Available Space (GB) Available Space Displays the available disk space in GB.
Capacity|Provisioned (GB) Provisioned (GB) Displays the provisioned datastore size in GB.
Capacity|Total Capacity (GB) Total Capacity (GB) Displays the total datastore capacity in GB.
Capacity|Total Provisioned Consumer Space (GB) Total Provisioned Consumer Space (GB) Displays the total provisioned consumer space in GB.
Capacity|Used Space (GB) Used Space (GB) Displays the used disk space in GB.
Capacity|Used Space (%) Used Space (%) Displays the used disk space in percentage.
Capacity|Usable Capacity (GB) Usable Capacity (GB) Displays the usable disk capacity in GB.
Note: Earlier the vSAN Datastore base rate was calculated on the basis of Total Capacity of the disk, now the vSAN datastore base rate is calculated based on the usable capacity.
Table 3. Summary Properties Collected for Datastore Objects
Property Key Property Name Description
summary|vmfs_version VMFS (Virtual Machine File System) Version Displays the VMFS version number, contains both major version and minor version number.
Note: The VMFS version property is visible, only when the datastore type is VMFS.
summary|diskCapacity Disk Capacity Disk Capacity
summary|isLocal Is Local Is local datastore
summary|customTag|customTagValue Value Custom Tag Value
summary|accessible Datastore Accessible Datastore Accessible
summary|path Summary|Path
summary|scsiAdapterType Summary|SCSI Adapter Type This property is disabled by default.
summary|aliasOf Summary|Alias Of Indicates whether the datastore is an alias of another. The published value is the container ID of the datastore for which it is an alias.

This property may have 2 values. It's either "none", that means the datastore is not an alias of another datastore, or datastore <containerID> that is the Container ID of the datastore for which this is an alias.

Table 4. Datastore Properties Collected for Datastore Objects
Property Key Property Name Description
datastore|hostcount Host Count Host Count
datastore|hostScsiDiskPartition Host SCSI Disk Partition Host SCSI Disk Partition
* datastore|maxObservedNumberRead Datastore I/O|Highest Observed Number of Read Requests Disabled
* datastore|maxObservedNumberWrite Datastore I/O|Highest Observed Number of Write Requests Disabled
* datastore|maxObservedOIO Datastore I/O|Highest Observed Outstanding Requests Disabled
* datastore|maxObservedRead Datastore I/O|Highest Observed Read Latency Disabled
* datastore|maxObservedReadLatency Datastore I/O|Highest Observed Read Latency Disabled
* datastore|maxObservedWrite Datastore I/O|Highest Observed Write Latency Disabled
* datastore|maxObservedWriteLatency Datastore I/O|Highest Observed Write Latency Disabled
Table 5. Datastore Properties Collected for vVol Datastore Objects
Property Key Property Name Description
storageArray|modelId Storage Array|Model Storage array model of VVol datastore.
Note: This property is published for vVol datastores only and is available starting from vCenter version 6.0.
storageArray|name Storage Array|Name Storage array name of vVol datastore.
Note: This property is published for vVol datastores only and is available starting from vCenter version 6.0.
storageArray|id Storage Array|ID Storage array ID of vVol datastore.
Note: This property is published for vVol datastores only and is available starting from vCenter version 6.0.
storageArray|vendorId Storage Array|Vendor Storage array vendor of vVol datastore.
Note: This property is published for vVol datastores only and is available starting from vCenter version 6.0.
protocolEndpoints|name Protocol Endpoints|Name Protocol endpoint's name of vVol datastore.
Note: This is an instanced property that is published per protocol endpoint instance (e. g. eui.3362663138636633) for vVol datastores only. It is available starting from vCenter version 6.0.
protocolEndpoints|type Protocol Endpoints|Type Protocol endpoint's type of vVol datastore.
Note: This is an instanced property that is published per protocol endpoint instance (e. g. eui.3362663138636633) for vVol datastores only. It is available starting from vCenter version 6.5.
protocolEndpoints|hosts Protocol Endpoints|Hosts Hosts associated with protocol endpoint of vVol datasore.
Note: This is an instanced property that is published per protocol endpoint instance (e. g. eui.3362663138636633) for vVol datastores only. It is available starting from vCenter version 6.0.

Datastore properties marked with an asterisk (*) have been disabled in this version of VMware Aria Operations. This means that they do not collect data by default.