VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle supports the following content packages for each available endpoint type.

Content Types

For the most current information about VMware cross product support, see the VMware Product Interoperability Matrix.

Table 1. VMware vSphere content endpoint
Content Type Product Support Versions Description
vSphere-CustomSpecification vCenter

Captures guest operating system settings saved in a specification that you can apply when cloning virtual machines or deploying from templates.

vSphere-Template vCenter

Captures template to deploy virtual machines in the vCenter inventory.

Table 2. VMware Aria Automation content endpoint
Content type Description
Automation-CloudTemplate Captures a VMware Aria Automation cloud template to deploy virtual machines managed by VMware Aria Automation.
Automation-PolicyDefinition Captures a VMware Aria Automation property definition for specifying custom properties.
Automation-ResourceAction Captures a VMware Aria Automation resource action.
Automation-Subscription Captures VMware Aria Automation subscription events that are triggered using the event broker. Captures the configured event and dependent workflows.
Automation-CustomResource Captures VMware Aria Automation resource type.
Automation-ABXAction Captures, tests, and releases VMware Aria Automation ABX actions.
Automation-PropertyGroup Captures a VMware Aria Automation property group.
Table 3. VMware Aria Automation cloud endpoint
Content type Description
Automation-CloudTemplate Captures a VMware Aria Automation cloud template to deploy virtual machines managed by VMware Aria Automation.
Automation-PolicyDefinition Captures a VMware Aria Automation property definition for specifying custom properties.
Automation-ResourceAction Captures a VMware Aria Automation resource action.
Automation-Subscription Captures VMware Aria Automation subscription events that are triggered using the event broker. Captures the configured event and dependent workflows.
Automation-CustomResource Captures VMware Aria Automation resource type
Automation-ABXAction Captures, tests, and releasesVMware Aria Automation ABX actions.
Automation-PropertyGroup Captures a VMware Aria Automation property group.
Table 4. VMware Aria Operations content endpoint
Content type Description
Operations Alert

Captures VMware Aria Operations alerts containing symptom definitions and recommendations that are used to evaluate conditions and generate alerts.


Captures VMware Aria Operations alerts dashboard data used to determine the nature and time frame of existing and potential issues.


Captures VMware Aria Operations report templates.


Integrates VMware Aria Operations super metric data definition that is used to track combinations of metrics. After releasing super metric data, it assigns object types and enables super metrics in policies. All VMware Aria Operations package types support super metrics.

Operations- TextWidgetContent

Reads text from a web page or text file. You specify the URL of the web page or the name of the text file when you configure the text widget.

Operations- TopoWidgetConfig

Captures the structure of the topography around a specific resource.


Captures VMware Aria Operations views that help you to interpret metrics, properties, and policies of various monitored objects.

Operations- ResourceKindMetricConfig

Captures VMware Aria Operations metric configurations for particular adapter and object types so that the supported widgets are populated based on the configured metrics and selected object type.

Operations-Symptoms Captures VMware Aria Operations operation symptoms.
Table 5. VMware Aria Automation Orchestratorcontent endpoint
Content Type Description
Orchestrator-Action Captures a VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator action.

Captures a VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator configuration element.

Orchestrator-Package Captures a VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator package.
Orchestrator-RestHost Captures a VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator REST host.
Orchestrator-RestOperation Captures a VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator REST operation.
Orchestrator-Workflow Captures a VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator workflow.
Note: Ensure that Orchestrator-RestHost is available in the target v VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator prior to capturing or deploying Orchestrator-RestOperation.