As a VMware Aria® Suite Lifecycle™ user or customer, you can perform VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle functions programmatically by using REST API service calls. The API follows the REST style and is available to all licensed users.

About the API Reference

APIs are installed with VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle. The Swagger docs are available at the following URLs.
  • For the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle APIs, go to https://$url/api/swagger-ui.html
  • For the Content Management APIs, go to https://$url/lcm/cms/api/swagger-ui.html
$url denotes the base URL for your instance of VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.

The VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle Swagger docs are also publicly available at from the VMware Developer site. See VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle REST API.

Note: VMware provides customers with a 12 month End-of-Life notice for any breaking changes to public APIs. To review API changes, see the release notes included with the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle Documentation.

How Developers Use the APIs

To make API service calls, you use a browser application or an HTTP client application to send requests and review responses. The following open-source applications are commonly used:

To learn how to use the APIs, you can start by performing the steps outlined in the following use cases:

All use cases include curl commands in request examples. To use the commands, ensure that the jq command-line JSON processor is installed with curl. The jq parser ensures that responses are formatted for optimum readability. For information about jq installation, see

VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle Postman collections are available from

Postman collections for VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle are provided as samples on the Documentation tab of the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle REST API.


You access VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle APIs as a local user, for example user@local. Local authentication uses a basic Authorization request header.
curl -H "Authorization: Basic <token>" -k https://<LCM_hostname>/lcm/lcops/api/settings/systemsettings
  • LCM_hostname is the hostname or IP address of the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle server that manages the VMware Workspace ONE Access cluster.
  • token is the Base64 encoded value of "username:password", with username admin@local and the password for admin@local. To encode to Base64 format, you can use a web application such as
The following request example shows how to make a call with a token that is the encoded value of admin@local:ThisIsPassword.
curl -H "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW5AbG9jYWw6VGhpc0lzUGFzc3dvcmQ=" -k https://vrlcm.vrack.local/lcm/lcops/api/settings/systemsettings