To deploy content from an existing VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle endpoint, you make a POST request.
- Verify that the appliance name and fully qualified domain name of the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle instance are available.
- Verify that the URL variable is assigned.
- Verify that the content package you want to deploy has been added to VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.
Example: Perform multiple operations with a single command
$ vROEndpoint = '<referenceID>' $ curl -X POST \ '$url/lcm/cms/api/v1/contents/pipelines' \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW5AbG9jYWw6VGhpc0lzUGFzc3dvcmQ=' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "stages":[ { "comment":"multiple actions at a time", "endpointIds":["{$vROEndpoint}"], "tagNames":[], "contents":[ { "contentDetails":[ { "contentName":"Container host properties with certificate authentication - [id=ContainerHostPropertiesWithCertificate, name=Container host properties with certificate authentication]" }, { "contentName":"Container host properties with user/password authentication - [id=ContainerHostPropertiesWithPassword, name=Container host properties with user/password authentication]" } ], "contentType":"Automation-PropertyGroup" } ], "contentVersionIds":[], "stage":"CAPTURE", "includeDependencies":true, "productionReady":true }, { "comment":"", "endpointIds":["0a712e24-14ce-4aa9-aeb6-3651a7480a3b"], "tagNames":[], "contents":[], "contentVersionIds":[], "stage":"TEST", "enableDeploy":true, "stopUnitTestsOnFirstFailure":true, "stopDeployOnFirstFailure":true, "enableUnitTests":true, "unitTestEndpointId":"3013d6a5-7ab0-4edd-ad2f-7f27d6ecb84b" }, { "comment":"multiple actions at a time", "endpointIds":["0a712e24-14ce-4aa9-aeb6-3651a7480a3b"], "tagNames":[], "contents":[], "contentVersionIds":[], "stage":"DEPLOY", "stopDeployOnFirstFailure":true } ] }'| jq "."