After adding content, you can test your content in a staging environment. You test content to ensure that it is ready for release.

The following procedure shows how to test content obtained from a VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator endpoint.


  • Verify that the appliance name and fully qualified domain name of the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle instance are available.
  • Verify that the URL variable is assigned.
  • Verify that the content package you want to test has been added to VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.


  1. Assign the reference ID of an existing VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator endpoint to a variable name.
    vROEndpoint = '<referenceID>'
  2. To test your captured content in a staging environment, execute the following command. This example uses a VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator endpoint as a unit test server to perform basic pre-defined tests on content, so its endpoint ID is specified for the unitTestEndpointID.
    curl -X POST \
      '$url/lcm/cms/api/v1/contents/pipelines' \
      -H 'Accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW5AbG9jYWw6VGhpc0lzUGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
        "stages": [
            "comment": "bjbhbj",
            "endpointIds": ["0a712e24-14ce-4aa9-aeb6-3651a7480a3b"],
            "tagNames": [],
            "contents": [],
            "contentVersionIds": ["2ebc459f-617a-4470-9108-1df61aaa269c"],
            "stage": "TEST",
            "deployLatest": true,
            "includeDependencies": true,
            "stopUnitTestsOnFirstFailure": true,
            "stopDeployOnFirstFailure": true,
            "enableUnitTests": true,
            "enableDeploy": true,
            "deployAllFiles": true,
            "unitTestEndpointId": "{$vROEndpoint}"
    }'| jq "."
  3. To track the status of the request, examine the response.