You can perform day 2 operations for integrated products by using VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.

Day 2 operations for all products - excluding Workspace ONE Access

The VMware Aria Suite products on the Environments page consist of the following capabilities:
  • Topology

    The Topology viewer displays the node structure and integrations between different VMware Aria Suite products within VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle. You can select the available VMware Aria Suite product and display the version, certificate, and license details. You can also select a primary or secondary node to view the FQDN, IP address, network, DNS, and other node properties.

  • New collector group

    New collector groups are available for VMware Aria Operations. You can add new collectors, group new collector nodes, and move collector nodes into new collector groups. You can also add a remote collector and cloud proxy to the collector group.

    Note: Do not add a cloud proxy to a collector group from a remote collector. Create a separate cloud proxies group that contains only cloud proxies.
  • Re-trust with VMware Workspace ONE Access

    When a VMware Workspace ONE Access certificate changes, all products and services that are integrated with VMware Workspace ONE Access must be configured to retrust the VMware Workspace ONE Access certificate. When you replace or change a VMware Workspace ONE Access certificate, all products that integrated with VMware Workspace ONE Access are available for re-trust on the Product References page.

    Note: This option applies ony to products that are integrated with a VMware Workspace ONE Access global environment and that appear in the Product References table in the VMware Workspace ONE Access global environment.
  • Re-register with VMware Workspace ONE Access

    Products that are integrated with VMware Workspace ONE Access are registered with the VMware Workspace ONE Access FQDN endpoint. If the VMware Workspace ONE Access FQDN changes, products and services that are integrated with VMware Workspace ONE Access must re-register with the new VMware Workspace ONE Access FQDN.

  • Enable FIPS compliance mode

    The FIPS compliance mode option is available for VMware Aria Operations for Logs and VMware Aria Operations. You can activate or deactivate the FIPS mode during product deployment. Alternatively, you can select the Enable FIPS Compliance option for the product level operation on the Manage Environments page.

    Note: If you activate the FIPS mode for a VMware Aria Suite product, you cannot revert and run it on a non-FIPS mode.
  • Update NTP configuration

    After deploying a VMware Aria Suite product, you can update its NTP configuration details. Using theTime Sync Mode option, you can specify either the NTP server time or the EXSi host time. When you choose the NTP server, you can add new server details or you edit existing server details, such as the server name and FQDN/IP address. You can also change the priority of the servers.

Day 2 operations for VMware Aria Automation clustered deployment

If the VMware Aria Automation load-balancer is configured such that SSL is terminated at the load-balancer, then for any change of certificate in the load balancer must be re-trusted in VMware Aria Automation. In a clustered deployment of VMware Aria Automation, you can click Re-trust Load Balancer to re-trust the load balancer certificate in VMware Aria Automation.

Note: This operation primarily checks VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle inventory of the clustered VMware Aria Automation before performing the re-trust. The inventory data for clustered VMware Aria Automation has a vra-va- SSL terminated at load-balancer parameter under the Cluster VIP section of product properties. The parameter decides whether the SSL is terminated at the VMware Aria Automation load balancer. For all green text box VMware Aria Automation deployments, this option is provided as an input to be completed by the user. For an existing brown field deployment, the parameter value is automatically computed.
Note: Start up and shutdown operations are also available for VMware Aria Automation, which helps to gracefully start and shut down the VMware Aria Automation services.