You can perform Day 2 operations within VMware Aria Universal Suite.

Day 2 Operations Function
Connect License to Cloud
  1. Connect your VMware Aria Universal Suite subscription license to a VMware organization.
  2. Add the license key and the correct API token.
  3. The license key would be connected to the organization where the subscription is redeemed.
Disconnect License to Cloud Disconnect the license key from the VMware Aria Universal Suite subscription.
Usage Bundle Download
  1. Select the license key and purpose.
  2. Click Download.
Sync Usage
  1. Provide the license key and sync usage.
  2. Click Sync Usage.
  3. You can view the sync usage for all the products.
Update License Key
  1. Select the license key from the Usage Bundle Download option.
  2. Select the purpose.
  3. Click Download.