To back up your private cloud environments, add a data center to VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.


  1. From the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle My Services page, click Lifecycle Operations.
  2. Click Datacenters to display the list of data centers that are configured for your environment.
  3. To add a new data center, click Add Datacenter.
    1. Enter the Datacenter Name and provide a Location.
    2. Click Save.
  4. To delete a datacenter, select the Delete icon in the datacenter row that you want to delete.
    Note: If there are any INITIATED, IN PROGRESS or COMPLETED requests for an environment, then you cannot delete a data center. If it has a FAILED request, or request related to vCenter, such requests are archived.
  5. Other options include editing and adding a vCenter, importing a datacenter, and viewing and discovering environments and products.

What to do next

To add a vCenter to the data center, see Add a vCenter to a Data Center.