Each product has a different request body for deployment. To see the properties required for your product, refer to the examples provided.
For property definitions used in the calls, see Properties for Environment Operations.
Request body example for VMware Aria Automation - VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator Integrated deployment
VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator is always integrated with VMware Aria Automation. Before deploying VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator, verify that you have an ID for the environment with VMware Aria Automation 8.8 installed.
curl -X GET \ '$url/lcm/lcops/api/v2/environments' \ -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW5AbG9jYWw6VGhpc0lzUGFzc3dvcmQ=' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ | jq "."
... { "environmentId": "9b02a8d1-4532-409c-a0d5-ca2d5dab6a37", "environmentName": "vRA_env", ... }, "products": [ { "id": "vra", "version": "8.8.0", "patchHistory": null, "snapshotHistory": null, "logHistory": null, "clusterVIP": null, ...
{ "environmentId": "9b02a8d1-4532-409c-a0d5-ca2d5dab6a37", "environmentName": "vRA_env", "infrastructure": { "properties": { "dataCenterVmid": "d090bcd9-43d1-4720-a2fd-7ff708641e51", "regionName": "", "zoneName": "", "vCenterName": "vc-1", "vCenterHost": "wdc-lcm-vc.sqa.local", "vcUsername": "[email protected]", "vcPassword": "locker:password:f671cb9d-f801-4f57-83ad-46a20312a815:default", "acceptEULA": "true", "enableTelemetry": "true", "defaultPassword": "locker:password:f671cb9d-f801-4f57-83ad-46a20312a815:default", "certificate": "locker:certificate:1723fc09-1c89-4b82-8248-7be6b0129895:license", "cluster": "LCM-Datacenter#LCM-Cluster", "storage": "datastore1 (8)", "folderName": "", "resourcePool": "", "diskMode": "thin", "network": "DONT-USE-ESXi-MGMT-Net", "masterVidmEnabled": "false", "dns": "", "domain": "sqa.local", "gateway": "", "netmask": "", "searchpath": "sqa.local", "timeSyncMode": "host", "ntp": "", "isDhcp": "false", "vcfProperties": "{\"vcfEnabled\":false,\"sddcManagerDetails\":[]}", "_isRedeploy": "false", "_isResume": "false", "_leverageProximity": "false", "__isInstallerRequest": "false" } }, "products": [ { "id": "vra", "version": "8.8.0", "properties": { "certificate": "locker:certificate:1723fc09-1c89-4b82-8248-7be6b0129895:license", "contentLibraryItemId": "", "productPassword": "locker:password:f671cb9d-f801-4f57-83ad-46a20312a815:default", "nodeSize": "medium", "vraK8ServiceCidr": "", "vraK8ClusterCidr": "", "fipsMode": "false", "ntp": "", "timeSyncMode": "host", "licenseRef": "locker:license:f54ff871-41b0-4b7b-9242-b2558d943e26:license" }, "clusterVIP": { "clusterVips": [] }, "nodes": [ { "type": "vrava-primary", "properties": { "vmName": "vrava-primary", "hostName": "sqa.local", "ip": "" } } ] }, { "id": "vro", "version": "8.8.0", "properties": { "certificate": "locker:certificate:1723fc09-1c89-4b82-8248-7be6b0129895:license", "tenantId": "base tenant", "contentLibraryItemId": "", "productPassword": "locker:password:f671cb9d-f801-4f57-83ad-46a20312a815:default", "vidmTenantAdmin": "", "vidmTenantAdminPassword": "", "nodeSize": "", "fipsMode": "false", "ntp": "", "timeSyncMode": "host", "licenseRef": "locker:license:undefined" }, "clusterVIP": { "clusterVips": [] }, "nodes": [ { "type": "vrova-primary", "properties": { "vmName": "vrova-primary", "hostName": "sqa.local", "ip": "" } } ] } ], "metaData": { "isCloudProxyEnvironment": "false" } }
Request body example for VMware Aria Operations for Logs
Specifying "monitorWithvROps": "true" configures VMware Aria Operations for Logs so that it is monitored in the VMware Aria Operations instance that is present in the same environment. If VMware Aria Operations is not already present, then VMware Aria Operations for Logs and VMware Aria Operations must be deployed together.
{ "environmentName": "vrli_deployment", "infrastructure": { "properties": { "dataCenterVmid": "ee6ce426-ca13-4e56-ad9e-c34a4d3d90c2", "regionName": "default", "zoneName": "default", "vCenterName": "LCM-VC2", "vCenterHost": "lcm-vc2.sqa.local", "vcUsername": "[email protected]", "vcPassword": "locker:password:1a72-4d:kar-LCM-VC2-Import-vCenter", "acceptEULA": "true", "enableTelemetry": "true", "adminEmail": "[email protected]", "defaultPassword": "locker:password:8f91-c6032ee9c5bb:VMware1!", "certificate": "locker:certificate:49b2-98ba-c1d2bdf35b0a:vm", "cluster": "Datacenter#Cluster-01", "storage": "ISCSI-15TB-04", "folderName": "", "resourcePool": "", "diskMode": "thin", "network": "infra-traffic-1024", "masterVidmEnabled": "false", "dns": ",", "domain": "sqa.local", "gateway": "", "netmask": "", "searchpath": "sqa.local", "timeSyncMode": "host", "ntp": "", "isDhcp": "false" } }, "products": [ { "id": "vrli", "version": "8.0.0", "properties": { "certificate": "locker:certificate:49b8f38fd2bdf35b0a:vm", "productPassword": "locker:password:811-c6032ee9c5bb:VMware1!", "licenseRef": "locker:license:93a380ce-081c-411ca58f8ddb:license", "nodeSize": "small", "configureClusterVIP": "false", "affinityRule": false, "isUpgradeVmCompatibility": true, "vrliAlwaysUseEnglish": false, "masterVidmEnabled": true, "configureAffinitySeparateAll": "true", "ntp": "", "timeSyncMode": "host", "fipsMode": "true", "monitorWithvROps": "true" }, "clusterVIP": { "clusterVips": [ { "type": "vrli-cluster-1", "properties": { "hostName": "fqdm1.sqa.local", "ip": "" } }, { "type": "vrli-cluster-2", "properties": { "hostName": "fqdm2.sqa.local", "ip": "" } } ] }, "nodes": [ { "type": "vrli-worker", "properties": { "vmName": "vrli-worker-2", "hostName": "lcm-57-68.sqa.local", "ip": "" } }, { "type": "vrli-worker", "properties": { "vmName": "vrli-worker-1", "hostName": "lcm-57-69.sqa.local", "ip": "" } }, { "type": "vrli-master", "properties": { "vmName": "vrli-master-1", "hostName": "lcm-57-70.sqa.local", "ip": "" } } ] } ] }
Request body example for VMware Aria Automation 8.x
Specifying "monitorWithvROps": "true" configures VMware Aria Automation so that it is monitored in the VMware Aria Operations instance that is present in the same environment. If VMware Aria Operations is not already present, then VMware Aria Automation and VMware Aria Operations must be deployed together.
{ "environmentName": "vra_deployment", "infrastructure": { "properties": { "dataCenterVmid": "ee6ce426-ca13-4e56-ad9e-c34a4d3d90c2", "regionName": "default", "zoneName": "default", "vCenterName": "LCM-VC2", "vCenterHost": "lcm-vc2.sqa.local", "vcUsername": "[email protected]", "vcPassword": "locker:password:1a72829r-LCM-VC2-Import-vCenter", "acceptEULA": "true", "enableTelemetry": "true", "adminEmail": "[email protected]", "defaultPassword": "locker:password:81fb2ee9c5bb:VMware1!", "certificate": "locker:certificate:49b8ff35b0a:vm", "cluster": "Datacenter#Cluster-01", "storage": "ISCSI-15TB-04", "folderName": "", "resourcePool": "", "diskMode": "thin", "network": "infra-traffic-1024", "masterVidmEnabled": "false", "dns": ",", "domain": "sqa.local", "gateway": "", "netmask": "", "searchpath": "sqa.local", "timeSyncMode": "host", "ntp": "", "isDhcp": "false" } }, "products": [ { "id": "vra", "version": "8.1.0", "properties": { "certificate": "locker:certificate:49b8b2-98ba-c1d2bdf35b0a:vm", "productPassword": "locker:password:81f41d9c5bb:VMware1!", "licenseRef": "locker:license:c2cbdd94-0c38-4e6e-90b0-1e86104c14ca:lic", "fipsMode": "true", "vrliLogForwardingConfiguration": "false", "monitorWithvROps": "true" }, "clusterVIP": { "clusterVips": [] }, "nodes": [ { "type": "vrava-primary", "properties": { "vmName": "vrava-primary", "hostName": "lcm-57-68.sqa.local", "ip": "" } }, { "type": "vrava-secondary", "properties": { "vmName": "vrava-secondary", "hostName": "lcm-57-69.sqa.local", "ip": "" } }, { "type": "vrava-secondary", "properties": { "vmName": "vrava-secondary", "hostName": "lcm-57-67.sqa.local", "ip": "" } } ] } ] }
Request body example for Workspace ONE Access
Specifying "monitorWithvROps": "true" configures VMware Workspace ONE Access so that it is monitored in the VMware Aria Operations instance specified by the vROpsEnvironmentId parameter. In addition, fileName must provide the path to the pak file for the VMware Workspace ONE Access Management Pack.
{ "environmentName": "globalenvironment", "infrastructure": { "properties": { "dataCenterVmid": "ee6ce426-ca13-4e56-ad9e-c34a4d3d90c2", "regionName": "default", "zoneName": "default", "vCenterName": "LCM-VC2", "vCenterHost": "lcm-vc2.sqa.local", "vcUsername": "[email protected]", "vcPassword": "locker:password:609cb1a8:DC1-LCM-VC2-Import-vCenter", "acceptEULA": "true", "enableTelemetry": "true", "adminEmail": "[email protected]", "defaultPassword": "locker:password:d224d62c10:VMware1!", "certificate": "locker:certificate:0e8a-80e9-9acf78b1d2c6:vm", "cluster": "Datacenter#Cluster-01", "storage": "ISCSI-15TB-04", "folderName": "", "resourcePool": "", "diskMode": "thin", "network": "infra-traffic-1024", "masterVidmEnabled": "false", "dns": ",", "domain": "sqa.local", "gateway": "", "netmask": "", "searchpath": "sqa.local", "timeSyncMode": "host", "ntp": "", "isDhcp": "false" } }, "products": [ { "id": "vidm", "version": "3.3.2", "properties": { "vidmAdminPassword": "locker:password:d228-ae91-d9de9bd62c10:VMware1!", "syncGroupMembers": false, "defaultConfigurationUsername": "configadmin", "defaultConfigurationPassword": "locker:password:d222c10:VMware1!", "certificate": "locker:certificate:0ee3fce5-de0b-448a-80e9-b1d2c6:vm", "monitorWithvROps": "true", "vROpsEnvironmentId": "ee6ce426-ca13-4e56-ad9e-c34a4d3d90c3", "fileName": "/data/vidm.pak" }, "clusterVIP": { "clusterVips": [ { "type": "vidm-lb", "properties": { "hostName": "lcm-69.sqa.local" } }, { "type": "vidm-delegate", "properties": { "ip": "" } } ] }, "nodes": [ { "type": "vidm-secondary", "properties": { "vmName": "vidm-secondary", "hostName": "sqa.local", "ip": "", "gateway": "", "domain": "", "searchpath": "", "dns": ",", "netmask": "", "contentLibraryItemId": "", "vCenterHost": "lcm-vc1.sqa.local", "cluster": "Datacenter-01#Cluster-01", "resourcePool": "", "folderName": "", "network": "dvs-55-Network-314b11d9-c958-4aa2-af98-cd5439a970d7", "storage": "ISCSI-15TB-01", "diskMode": "thin", "vCenterName": "LCM-VC1", "vcUsername": "[email protected]", "vcPassword": "locker:password:9b0bcbbf-e38c-49ea-af48-22a23e8a88bb:Karnataka-LCM-VC1-Import-vCenter" } }, { "type": "vidm-connector", "properties": { "hostName": "lcm-69.sqa.local", "isDomainJoined": true, "domainAdmin": "DOMAIN\\configadmin", "domainAdminPassword": "locker:password:d22698a0:VMware1!", "adminUserName": "", "vmName": "vidm-connector", "vidmConnectorName": "windows", "vidmConnectorAdminPassword":"locker:password:a1b8436:VMware1!200", "adminPassword": "" } }, { "type": "vidm-secondary", "properties": { "vmName": "vidm-secondary", "hostName": "lcm-69.sqa.local", "ip": "" } }, { "type": "vidm-primary", "properties": { "vmName": "vidm-primary", "hostName": "lcm-57.sqa.local", "ip": "" } } ] } ] }
Request body example for VMware Aria Operations for Networks
Specifying "monitorWithvROps": "true" configures VMware Aria Operations for Networks so that it is monitored in the VMware Aria Operations instance that is present in the same environment. If VMware Aria Operations is not already present, then VMware Aria Operations for Networks and VMware Aria Operations must be deployed together.
{ "environmentName": "vRNI_deployment", "infrastructure": { "properties": { "dataCenterVmid": "ee6ce426-ca13-4e56-ad9e-c34a4d3d90c2", "regionName": "default", "zoneName": "default", "vCenterName": "LCM-VC2", "vCenterHost": "lcm-vc2.sqa.local", "vcUsername": "[email protected]", "vcPassword": "locker:password:1a72b1b-40:kar-LCM-VC2-Import-vCenter", "acceptEULA": "true", "enableTelemetry": "true", "adminEmail": "[email protected]", "defaultPassword": "locker:password:81fb1-c6032ee9c5bb:VMware1!", "certificate": "locker:certificate:49b8f38f-2bdf35b0a:vm", "cluster": "Datacenter#Cluster-01", "storage": "ISCSI-15TB-04", "folderName": "", "resourcePool": "", "diskMode": "thin", "network": "infra-traffic-1024", "masterVidmEnabled": "false", "dns": ",", "domain": "sqa.local", "gateway": "", "netmask": "", "searchpath": "sqa.local", "timeSyncMode": "host", "ntp": "", "isDhcp": "false" } }, "products": [ { "id": "vrni", "version": "5.1.0", "properties": { "ntp": "", "certificate": "locker:certificate:49bfe-43b2-98ba-c1d2bdf35b0a:vm", "productPassword": "locker:password:81f-af91-c6032ee9c5bb:VMware1!", "licenseRef": "locker:license:6b6-9cfa-3b8a920b99d3:vRNI", "affinityRule": false, "configureAffinitySeparateAll": "true", "masterVidmEnabled": false, "monitorWithvROps": "true" }, "clusterVIP": { "clusterVips": [] }, "nodes": [ { "type": "vrni-platform", "properties": { "vmName": "vrni-platform", "vrniNodeSize": "medium", "ip": "" } }, { "type": "vrni-collector", "properties": { "vmName": "vrni-collector", "vrniNodeSize": "medium", "ip": "" } } ] } ] }