To install products or patches, you can upload binary files from a remote client machine to VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle using the API instead of using SSH.

You can upload any of the following types of binaries:
  • Product binaries. An OVA file used to install VMware Aria Suite products.
  • Patched product binaries. An OVA bundle used to provide a newer version of VMware Aria Automation that includes bug fixes.
  • Patch binaries. An OVA file used to provide minor bugs fixes to an installed VMware Aria Suite product.



  1. Log in to Customer Connect.
  2. Search for the VMware Aria Suite product or patch binaries that you want to upload and check each file size.
    Note: For each file that you plan to upload, you must have twice the amount of local disk storage space available.
  3. Download product or patch binaries to a remote client machine.
    Repeat the download for multiple binaries as needed.
  4. Upload the binaries from the remote client machine to VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.
    The following example uploads:
    • Product binary for VMware Aria Operations 8.6.
    • Product binary for VMware Aria Operations for Logs 8.4.1.
    • Patched product binary for VMware Aria Automation 8.3.
    • Patch binary for VMware Aria Operations 8.4.
    Note: You can upload multiple files with a single command. However, the total combined size of all files must be less than 35 GB.
    curl -X POST \
      '$url/lcm/lcops/api/v2/settings/binaries/upload' \
      -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW5AbG9jYWw6VGhpc0lzUGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -F 'productBinaries: @" /C:/Users/example_user/Downloads/vRealize-Operations-Manager-appliance- (1).ova" ' \
      -F 'productBinaries: @" /C:/Users/example_user/Downloads/VMware-vRealize-Log-Insight-" ' \
      -F 'patchedProductBinaries: @" /C:/Users/example_user/Downloads/vrlcm-vra-8.3.0-" ' \  
      -F 'patchBinaries: @" /C:/Users/example_user/Downloads/vrlcm-vrops-8.4.0-HF2.patch" ' \
    | jq "."
    The request triggers the API. The following example response shows three request IDs:
    • One request ID for all product binary uploads.
    • One request ID for each patched product binary upload.
    • One request ID for each patch binary upload.
  5. Assign request ID variables.
    requestId1 = "8a63368b-a79a-4da4-8126-2cac5dae6357"
    requestId2 = "929e3b3b-8ad5-4e5f-9b9e-79a8fd898b17"
    requestId3 = "1dac194a-6e1f-4772-a97d-af300ad5086c"
  6. Track each request.
    For example, track the request for all product binary uploads.
    curl -X GET '$url /lcm/request/api/v2/requests/$requestId1' -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW5AbG9jYWw6VGhpc0lzUGFzc3dvcmQ=' | jq "."
    The request might take some time. After completion, the product binaries are uploaded and VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle generates the source maps.
      "outputMap": {},
      "state": "COMPLETED",
      "executionId": "61274f3c-20cc-47a1-90ec-130635edb7d1",