You can check for and install updates to the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle appliance.

You can also upgrade VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle by using an ISO file to install the upgrade.


  • Verify that you meet the system requirements. See System requirements for VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.
  • Take a snapshot of the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle virtual appliance. If you encounter any problems during upgrade, you can revert to this snapshot.
  • Verify that no critical tasks are currently in progress in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle. The upgrade process stops and starts VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle services and reboots the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle virtual appliance, which might corrupt tasks that are in progress.
  • If you are upgrading VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle through a repository URL or CD-ROM, ensure that you download the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle upgrade binary from the Broadcom Support Portal portal in advance. The file name is something like VMware-Aria-Suite-Lifecycle-Appliance-8.X.X.XX-XXXXXXXX-updaterepo.iso.
    Note: You cannot use the VMware Aria Automation Easy Installer ISO file for a VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle upgrade. You must use the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle upgrade ISO file.


  1. From the My services dashboard, click Lifecycle Operations and click Settings.
  2. Click System Upgrade.
    VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle displays the name, version number, and vendor of the current VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle appliance.
  3. Select the repository type for VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle updates.
    Option Description
    Check Online You can check if the upgrades are available online. To use this option, the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle virtual appliance must have access to
    URL Enter your repository URL for updates. To use this option, extract the ISO containing the upgrade files to a private repository. Do not use a private repository that requires authentication for a file access.
    CD-ROM You can update the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle Appliance from an ISO file that the appliance reads from the virtual CD-ROM drive.
  4. Click Check for Upgrade.
    After few minutes, VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle displays a message indicating if there are updates available.
  5. Select the Repository Type, and then click Upgrade.
    1. When VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle is not connected to the internet, you can download the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle Update Repository Archive binary from the Broadcom Support Portal.
    2. The downloaded ISO should be attached to VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle VM's virtual CD-ROM drive. To do this, you can either upload the ISO in a content library of the vCenter server hosting VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle or you can upload in a data store that the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle VM can access. After uploading, you must attach the ISO to the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle VM's CD-ROM device by editing the VM's hardware configuration from the vCenter inventory. From VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle UI, select CD-ROM based upgrade option and proceed.
  6. In the Prerequisites section, click the Product snapshots check box and then click Next.
  7. Click Run Precheck. When the pre-check validation is finished, download the report to view the checks and validation status.
  8. Click Upgrade after a successful pre-check validation.
  9. After a few minutes, log in to the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle UI and click Settings > System Upgrade to check for the upgrade successful message.

    When upgrade is finished,VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle displays the upgrade completion message. If you do not see this message, wait for a few minutes and refresh the UI.

What to do next

For related information about upgrading from one release to another, see sample blog articles at VMware blogs.