Use this procedure to replace the VMware Identity Manager certificate or the globalenvironment setting in your VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle environment.

Note: The VMware Identity Manager and Workspace ONE Access terms are used interchangeably in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle product documentation.

For related information about replacing certificates for VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle, see Replace certificate for VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle products.

Note: To replace a certificate on a clustered deployment, you must manually replace the certificate on the load balancer. If you encounter an error while replacing the certificate and you are running Workspace ONE Access version 3.3.7, see

Generate a self-signed certificate

Use the Locker service to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and create a .pem file. With information from the .pem file, you import the cerficiate into the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle locker .

  1. From the My Services dashboard, click Locker.
  2. Click Generate CSR and enter the name globalenvironment.
  3. Enter customer-specific values for all required fields on he Generate CSR form and click Generate to generate the .pem file.

    A sample form is shown below.

    Sample generate CSR page as described in the text.

    Note: To replace your certificate in a clustered environment, enter multiple domain names and IP addresses, separated by commas.
    A .pem file contains a certificate signing request and a private key as in the example below with certificate and key details removed.
    -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
    -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
  4. Submit the .pem file to a signing authority to request that it be signed. If you do not have a configured signing authority, perform the following steps.

    In this example, the signing authority is the Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Service and it is configured for http://localhost/certsrv/.

    1. Open http://localhost/certsrv/.
    2. Click Request a Certificate > Advance Certificate Request.
    3. For this example, click Request a certificate.

      Screen shows the request a certificate option as described in the text.

    4. Click Advanced certificate request.

      Screen shows the Advanced certificate request as described in the text.

    5. Click the Submit a certificate request using base64 encoded … option.

      Screen shows the Submit a certificate request ... option as described in the text.

    6. Paste the certificate .pem file content from your certificate request and click Submit.

      Screen shows the .pem content pasted into the form and the Submit key as described in the text.

  5. After the .pem is submitted. you are prompted to download a certificate. Select the Base64 encoded certificate format and select both the Download certificate and the Download certificate chain options.

    Screen shows all three options described in the text.

    This actions downloads certnew.cer for the certificate and certnew.p76 for the certificate chain. In this example, they are downloaded to a user downloads folder of C:\USERS\ARUN|DOWNLOADS. An example of both are provided below:
    • certnew.cer - certificate
      Reference: certnew.cer  
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    • certnew.p7b - certificate chain
      Reference: certnew.p7b
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  6. The root certificate is needed. In this example, an existing server certificate named cap-AD-CA exists and an existing root certificate of exists and both were issued by a signing authority of cap-AD-CA.

    Screen shows the two existing certificates described in the text.

  7. Split this into the globalenvironment certificate and the root certificate by using the Copy To File function. The certificates involved are certnew.cert, globalenvironmentcert.cert, rootcert.cert and the certnew.p7b certificate chain.

    The 4 files to use in the Copy To File function are shown.

  8. Import the globalenvironment certificate into the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle Locker service:
    1. Click Locker from the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle My Services page
    2. Click Certificates > Import.
    3. The Import Certificate page appears. In the Name field, enter globalenvironment.
  9. Using the extracted globalenvironment and root certificate as source, open Notepad ++ or any other text editor and create a certificate chain with two certificate sections: the server certificate content at the top followed by the root certificate content . The example below shows the two sections with details removed.
    ###server certificate content###
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    ###root certificate content###
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    • Copy and paste the private key content from the .pem file created by the generated CSR into the Private Key section of the Import Certificate form.
    • Copy and paste the content with the two certificate sections into the Certificate Chain section of the Import Certificate form.
  10. Verify the certificate chain by using a verification tool such
  11. Click Import to import the new globalenvironment certificate into VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.

    A sample populated Import Certificate form is shown below.

    Sample populated Import Certificate form is shown as described in the text.

    When the import is successful, the Certificate successfully added. statement appears, as shown below.

    Certificate successfully added statement appears as described.

  12. You can display details about the successfully imported new certificate. A sample is shown below.

    Details page for newly imported globalenvironment certificate as described.

Create a snapshot of the environment

Before replacing your existing globalenvironment certificate with the new certificate, take a snapshot in the Lifecycle Operations service.

  1. From the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle dashboard, click Lifecycle Operations.
  2. Click Environments and then click View Details on the globalenvironment tile.
  3. Click the 3 dot ellipse () following the Change Admin Password option and select Snapshot > Create Snapshot from the drop-down menu.

    Create a snapshot of the Lifecycle Operations service environment

  4. For this example, enter Snapshot Before Cert Replacement in the Snapshot Prefix field Description fields.
  5. Switch the Shutdown before taking snapshot option to the on position and click Next.

    Image of the Create Snapshot screen as described in the text.

  6. When prompted, click Run Precheck.
  7. When the precheck result is returned, click Finish.

    The completed Precheck result is returned and the Finish option is available as described in the text.

  8. After you click Finish, the Request Details page automatically appears and displays the progression of each stage of the pre-check process.
  9. When the snapshot request is complete, you can proceed to make the certificate replacement request.

Create the certificate replacement request

After you create the snapshot, you're ready to initiate the certificate replacement request and replace the existing standalone globalenvironment certificate with the new self-signed certificate.

  1. On the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle My Services page, click Lifecycle Operations and then click Environments.
  2. Click View Details on the globalenvironment tile.
  3. Click the three dot icon (...) in the VMware Identity Manager row and click Replace Certificate from the drop-down menu.

    Displays selection of Replace Certificate as described in the text.

    The Current Certificate details page appears. If you've never replaced the certificate, then this is the default certificate that was used during installation of the product.

  4. On the resultant Current Certificate details page, click Next.

    The Select Certificate page appears.

  5. On the Select Certificate page, select globalenvironment from the drop-down menu.

    Select the globalenvironment option from the drop-down menu.

    The Select Certificate details page appears.

  6. On the resultant Select Certificate details page, click Next.

    The Retrust Product Certificate page appears.

  7. On the Retrust Product Certificate page, select all the products to be impacted by the retrust certificate action and then click Next.

    Select all the products and then click Next.

    The Opt-in for Snapshot page appears.

  8. Click the Opt-in for Snapshot check box to enable the option and then click Next.

    The Precheck page appears.

  9. On the Precheck page, click Run Precheck.
  10. If you are prompted to consent to a validation request, click Re-run Precheck.

    Review the pre-check results and take any further actions that are needed as prompted on-screen.

    Respond as needed to on-screen prompts.

  11. When all pre-check validations are complete, click Finish to submit the request.

    Click Finish.

  12. You can monitor the request details status by selecting Requests in the Lifecycle Operations left pane menu. The stages of the replace certificate action are detailed below.
     Gracefully Shut Down VMware Identity Manager
        Validate VMware Identity Manager Certificate
        Start graceful shutdown of VMware Identity Manager
        Prepare graceful shutdown of VMware Identity Manager nodes
        Check power states of VMware Identity Manager nodes
        Validate SSH credentials of VMware Identity Manager nodes
        Update VMware Identity Manager node types
        Extract vMoid of VMware Identity Manager nodes
        Verify Identity Manager Appliance Health Check
        Verify Identity Manager Postgres Health Check
        Validate VMware Identity Manager node types
        VMware Identity Manager stop horizon service
        VMware Identity Manager stop Elasticsearch / Opensearch service
        VMware Identity Manager stop pgpool service
        VMware Identity Manager stop postgres service
        Shutdown VMware Identity Manager nodes
     Create Node Snapshot
        Get vMoid using Virtual Machine
        Virtual Machine Snapshot using vMoid
     Power on VMware Identity Manager Node(s)
        Validate VMware Identity Manager Certificate
        Start Power On of VMware Identity Manager nodes
        Prepare required inputs to power on VMware Identity Manager Node(s)
        Extract vMoid
        Power On VMware Identity Manager Node
        Check Hostname/IP status of VMware Identity Manager
        Get node endpoint of VMware Identity Manager
     Remediate VMware Identity Manager
        Start remediation of VMware Identity Manager
        Prepare required inputs to remediate VMware Identity Manager
        Validate ssh credentials of VMware Identity Manager
        VMware Identity Manager start pgpool service
        Update VMware Identity Manager node types
        Check primary node status of VMware Identity Manager
        VMware Identity Manager Appliance Health Check
        Update VMware Identity Manager node details with VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle's inventory
     Product Health Check
        Product Health Check prepare
        vIDM health pre-Check
     Update Certificate on VMware Identity Manager
        Validate VMware Identity Manager Certificate
        Start update of Certificate on  VMware Identity Manager nodes
        Update  Certificate on  VMware Identity Manager nodes
     Trust vIDM Certificate in LCM
        Add vIDM certificate to VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle trust store
     Revert to Node Snapshot
        Get vMoid
     Power On VMware Identity Manager Nodes
        Validate VMware Identity Manager Certificate
     Remediate VMware Identity Manager Nodes
        Start remediation of VMware Identity Manager
        Prepare required inputs to remediate VMware Identity Manager   
        Validate ssh credentials of VMware Identity Manager
        VMware Identity Manager start pgpool service
        Update VMware Identity Manager node types
        Check primary node status of VMware Identity Manager
        VMware Identity Manager Appliance Health Check
        Update VMware Identity Manager node details with VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle's inventory
     Product Health Check
        Product Health Check prepare
     Delete Node Snapshot
        Get vMoid Delete Snapshot
        Delete Node Snapshot
     Locker Reference Update
        Locker reference update init
        Locker reference inventory  update
     Product Replace Update Notification
        Start replace update notification
        Replace certificate notification
     Validate if VMware Identity Manager re-trust is required on products
        Start Validate if VMware Identity Manager re-trust is required on products
        Validate if VMware Identity Manager re-trust is required on products
     Update VMware Identity Manager Auth provider hostname
        Start update auth provider hostname
        Trust VMware Identity Manager Certificate in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
        Update VMware Identity Manager Auth provider hostname
     Retrust VMware Identity Manager on VMware Aria Automation
        Start VMware Identity Manager flow
        Check if vIDM root certificate is present on VMware Aria Automation
        Check for VMware Identity Manager availability
        Check for VMware Identity Manager Login Token
        Check for VMware Identity Manager Default Configuration User availability
        Configure VMware Identity Manager  for VMware Aria Automation
        Configure Load Balancer for VMware Aria Automation
        Initialize VMware Aria Automation
        Update VMware Identity Manager allowed redirects
    VMware Aria Operations reconfigure vidm
        Start VMware Aria Operations - VMware Identity Manager reconfigure
        Reconfigure VMware Identity Manager
        Prepare Identity Manager catalog task
    VMware Aria Operations for Logs retrust vidm
        Start VMware Aria Operations for logs retrust vIDM
        Prepare Nodes
    VMware Aria Operations for Networks Reconfigure vidm
        Start VMware Aria Operations for Networks generic
        Validate and fetch VMware Aria Operations for Networks vidm client details
        vIDM get O Auth client details
        Reconfigure vIDM hostname
    Re-trust VMware Identity Manager on VMware Aria Automation
        Start VMware Identity Manager flow
        Check if vIDM root certificate is present on VMware Aria Automation
        Check for VMware Identity Manager availability
        Check for VMware Identity Manager Login Token
        Check for VMware Identity Manager Default Configuration User availability
        Configure VMware Identity Manager  for VMware Aria Automation
        Configure Load Balancer for VMware Aria Automation
        Initialize VMware Aria Automation
        Update VMware Identity Manager allowed redirects
     VMware Aria Operations reconfigure vidm
        Start VMware Aria Operations - VMware Identity Manager reconfigure
        Reconfigure VMware Identity Manager
        Prepare Identity Manager catalog task
  13. When complete, confirm that the certificate is in use by clicking Locker from the My Services page of VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle and then select Certificates > globalenvironment.

    Confirm the globalenvironment certificate in the Locker.

    You can also view VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle and VMware Identity Manager logs. The log statement Applied certificate to vIDM.. indicates that the VMware Identity Manager services are being restarted.