The management IP addresses of each Avi Load Balancer Controller node should be static. It applies to single-node deployments and 3-node deployments.

The cluster configuration and runtime configuration each contain the IP information for the cluster. If the IP address of a leader or follower node changes (for example, due to DHCP), this script must be run to update the IP information. The cluster will not function properly until the cluster configuration is updated.

If the IP address of an Avi Load Balancer Controller node is changed for any reason (such as DHCP), the following script must be used to update the cluster configuration. This applies to single-node deployments and cluster deployments.

To repair the cluster configuration after an Avi Load Balancer Controller node’s IP address is changed, run the script.

The script is located in the following directory:


  1. The change IP script only changes the Avi Load Balancer cluster configuration. It does not change the IP address of the host or the virtual machine on which Controller services are running. For example, it does not update the /etc/network/interfaces file in a VMware-hosted Controller. One must change the IP address for the VM in the vApp properties in VMware.

  2. Special consideration is required when changing the IP addresses of Controllers in a bare-metal configuration. For more information, see Changing Controller IP Addresses in a Bare-metal Environment.